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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Whatcha Readin?

    how to get s
  2. you could always switch from coke to pickle juice
  3. Dru

    Whatcha Readin?

    naw its some weird 70's Vonnegutty stuff by way of an American who emigrated to Britain.
  4. Dru


    ARRRRRRRRR i thought potc was gonna be "plabbest of the cc.commers" namely a thread about me!
  5. Dru

    Whatcha Readin?

    "The Muller-Fokker Effect" John Sladek.
  6. Dru

    Last Leads

    That was more or less the implication. Figure that three bolts in a 100' pitch aren't doing you a whole lot of good, and still constitute a bold lead. Bugger the RP placements and it's a long ride to the last bolt, wherever you are on the thing. But if there are NO bolts which is what "on trad gear" means oh lycra wearer????
  7. Dru

    Post Count

    me first you second
  8. Gap between ice and rock is properly known as DER RANDKLUFT!!!!
  9. Dru

    Post Count

  10. Dru

    Post Count

    You mean you are resigned to be 2nd forever cause in the for real post count this is #12896
  11. there are other uses for rope than rappelling too
  12. oh man don't you hate it when your buds flower and go to seed... oh wait... "lettuce" uh huh!
  13. i understand there are long term health effects for under about 10%? what method are you using to calculate 3%? Shit I bet Lance Armstrong isnt even 3% except for maybe about 2 days after he finishes da tOur.
  14. Isnt soapstone a type of serpentinite? E rock? They're both asbestos silicates right?
  15. well thanks for reserving your opinion there mr. 2000 posts by this evening!
  16. 5th cup of french roast typing 90 wpm in time to techno
  17. It's "the majority of respondents to date" I don't see a whole bunch of people voting for the fully organized Beck fest yet. Maybe they will later on when Beck gets some different IP's together for his avatars It's a straw poll. Also anonymous so people feel free to vote how they really think not how the peer group at some Pub Club thinks.
  18. Beck I was thinking it sucks like when you buy a nice birthday present for a friend and they say "Dude WTF why did you get me this?"
  19. I didn't invite anyone, Fern did And I dont think we are organized enough to bring a keg. Maybe TG will show up with a TG keg
  20. Dru

    cool stuff

    and from the what is chestbeating thread
  21. 3%, 5%??? you guys need call anorexia support line now, or you are calculating it wrong
  22. Given that it's still a few months before the actual event, I don't think it's too late for Beck to change his plans, cancel some of the planned events and so on, and take this event back to thew dirtbag event that the poll shows the majority of respondents to date would like to see. It must suck to find out that you are organizing something that the people you are organizing it for, don't apparently want. There seeems to be a moral there about consulting first.
  23. Dru


    use the frickin shout box already!
  24. Dru

    Choose a quote...

    "In that Scanners movie, people did this right before their heads exploded."
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