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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Hey Jon...

    How do you know it's not Justin
  2. Dru


    "4"? how many snaffles do you count? suuure looks like 5 to me
  3. not sure if i posted this already and a moderator deleted it, or if i just didn't post it. anyway you can fix schoeller pilling with a lighter or flame application. the pills should melt off and leave the rest of the fabric untouched. this is the "super secret" method the staff at Arcteryx used to do warranty repair on Schoeller garments returned due to pilling issues. to avoid pilling in the first place - use liquid detergent instead of solid detergent, and air dry rather than dryer drying.
  4. trolls that almost always work: - troll a conservative type with global warming or political stuff troll liberals likewise but claiming opposite - troll klenke etc with mislabelled peaks -troll iain with mountaineers beginning skiing class photos -troll pope and dwayner avatars with new bolted route description -troll ex military types with latest osama bin laden appearance and of course... troll MODERATORS with bannination complaints. it ALWAYS WORKS
  5. i'll probably start going to flashpoint cause i finally admitted need to get stronger for the coming season. if u see a guy with glasses and a goatee falling off v2's come up and say hi
  6. Dru


    shit man, that things a hydra! it makes the bootsy collins double space bass look inadequate! too bad it needs like 5 hands to use properly
  7. This guy once called me a traitor to the country for suggesting that he should lobby for a new national park near Whistler
  8. In order to win the post like CBS contest I am posting this link to a funny web site. You will find it hilarious.
  9. Dear Fairweather and Sisu "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits"
  10. The $5 ones are stereophotos used for mapping, so technically you need to buy 2 to make them work. Not exactly guidebook style. Straight down from above usually at 1:20 000 to 1:15 000 scale. The problem with aerial oblique shots as used in Selkirks South and Alpine Select (for instance) is that often times they aren't much use when you are on the ground or on the route owing to the different perspective. Also the guidebook author usually wants to take the air photos themselves. I just wait till Im working in the area then take the photos from the helicopter
  11. Dru


    It says here that J Lo dumped Ben! Jennifer, honey, check your PMs. You don't have to be single no longer.
  12. imagine how fast you could spray with no atmosphere to impede the droplets
  13. sour grapes cause i got pagetop and u didnt
  14. toothless
  15. you hard man you, dick just think how much suffering the fucker will feel when his or her route is listed in a guidebook and the guidebook author lists it as "a contrived overbolted choss heap" having someone criticize route online will pale by comparison cause you can't defend yourself in a guidebook whatever the author says goes
  16. i haven't climbed it but i saw it climbed a few yrs back and the ice don climbed up in rays pic was not there at all just a skinny phone pole sized pillar coming straight down from the bolts to the ground. perhaps it was wi 6 in those conditions which is what the leader told me anyways. i actually do not know if those were the fa conditions or not but had heard it was independent pillar when first lead so i assumed so. if not then dale do you think you make the fa or what? when did tom do it?
  17. Dru

    Compass Snaffles

    and on same subject - how mtn goats survive avalanche tewrrain
  18. Dru

    Compass Snaffles

    u know u love it
  19. This is Don leading p2 of the Xwisten Steps (crux) note how wet he is
  20. Dru

    Compass Snaffles

    note that this is the blind mole rat, not the more famous naked mole rat. whether the naked mole rat has a magnetic sense is not known.
  21. I can buy aerials from the prov. government for less than $5 each... I can find alpine oblique shots available free on Randall G's website... What is a "unofficial professional photographer"? A guy with a camera? If that's the case I must be a pro!
  22. isn't the second one the N and S pickets as seen looking east? challenger at left most etc
  23. dude is sneaking around the rock to put up the moon's first V14 on the overhanging side
  24. "they were driven from the city by mobs" yeah the mob has always been in the driving business.
  25. Dru

    Compass Snaffles

    this snaffle has a built in compass
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