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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Why not, I don't know, learn to climb by, I don't know, climbing?? "GO TO THE GYM"??? How about "Go climbing", not "Be a fucking loser"? Belay slaves don't climb, they belay. And "Get certified"? Are you a Mountie? Snugtop, why not you and I head out to the hills. I'll take the fisrt lead, then it's your turn. You'll be OK. I'll work you past the tough spots, keep you calm, massage you with scented oils. Will your wife let you? Wife? None of that shit for me. Gotta keep my options open. Lykis 101. you're right, someone whose avatar name is taken from HP LOvecraft would never get married, RIGHT JUSTIN?
  2. Why not, I don't know, learn to climb by, I don't know, climbing?? "GO TO THE GYM"??? How about "Go climbing", not "Be a fucking loser"? Belay slaves don't climb, they belay. And "Get certified"? Are you a Mountie? Snugtop, why not you and I head out to the hills. I'll take the fisrt lead, then it's your turn. You'll be OK. I'll work you past the tough spots, keep you calm, massage you with scented oils. Will your wife let you?
  3. I have heard of alanon, narcanon, even nonanon but I don't know what problem exactly Bohanon is anonymous about
  4. If you dont have any pictures of yourself just pick out the highest rated female picture on amihotornot.com and use that
  5. so is roark banned now?
  6. after being dead for 2 months gravsports.com is back up and running. gadd isn't afraid to make the "it would be a big mistake to be out on south facing slopes on wilson" comment in relation to the recent accident either. I dunno if that is blaming the victims but it does sound like a lot is running as the snowpack becomes more springlike there right now.
  7. i read a story about someone taking an 800 foot sliding fall on yellow polypro fixed line during the FA I think of Warbler Ridge on Logan, and a fluke stopping them, and burying itself like 20 feet into the slope in doing so i dont own a fluke and the only reason id buy one would be to stick in on an ice axe to make a better air guitar.
  8. Phish
  9. a-gal moved back to minnesota or wherever girlclimber still posts here i dunno whatever happened to climbergirl33?
  10. lets not forget even with a less transparent come-on than this everyone figured girlclimber, climbergirl33 and adventuregal were fakes too and they all turned out to be real
  11. SWF seeks snaffle on pagetop
  12. Did you see This thread http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/309312/page/0/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1
  13. so you are a mod.... tell us who is behind it, from what IP address used by a frequent poster
  14. give up dave and cbs. i try and be original in my trolling
  16. It seems that little Will is no longer running his $5 guiding business
  17. just in time for valentines day too
  18. Dru

    Best of the Banned

    you wouldnt be so smug if imorris was on that list
  19. Dru

    Best of the Banned

    whatever happened to miss normandy? and miloshk antoponov? and sk and yaya
  20. Here is another crappy news story on the web, COMPLETE WITH SUMMER PHOTO of Mt Wilson and since when is 100km "near Lake Louise" http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=news_home&articleID=1527996
  21. teenagers ignore warnings about haunting and are picked off one by one by crazed supernatural slasher.
  22. Outer Space crack Sky Ridge at Smiff. Hand traverse on the 2nd pitch. Penalty Box at CalCheak waterline traverse at secret West Van spot - may be bouldering but a pitch or two long! Overlap pitch on Sisyphus at Marble Canyon Double Exposure at Skaha If I had to pick one, just one, pitch to represent the whole of Squamish it would probably be the roof traverse at Squamish. It has everything that makes Squamish squamish including slab, pin scars, bomber jams, tree move, and sometime wetness. However I think the crux pitch on Rock On is better, just unrepresentative. Angel Crack is pretty good too.
  23. Dru

    Best of the Banned

    What about agent_orange and crazypolishbob?
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