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Everything posted by Dru

  1. there is nothin easier than trolling for physics geeks
  2. Epics build character
  3. Dru


    So called megacryometeors are giant hailstones from clear sky, and not ice meterorites or frozen poo from airplanes 440 lbs of ice on your head? Helmet aint gonna be much good. Forget those jet engines, this is serious!
  4. synchro is not given 4+ in the old guide
  5. Dru

    Screw U Sumas 2

    i was gonna build a trebuchet on the office roof and see how far into WA I could fire our office garbage
  6. ya, cause they found out the neutrino DOES have mass just recently thats why the solar neutrino imbalance occurs
  7. The route names at Josh anf Tahquitz get pretty esoterical at time... "Zorro Zucchinis From Alpha Centauri Twelve", "If You Really Loved Me You'd Buy Me A Turkey" etc.
  8. Dru

    Screw U Sumas 2

    http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=news_home&articleID=1543211 Sumas 2 rejected.
  9. is that one of girlclimber's shoes
  10. snowline elevation at 1000m freezing elevation at 1000 rising to 1500m.
  11. force is not energy physics class!
  12. Well I'm gonna call a route Flapjackrabbit and then no one not a ccsprayer will understand it. "Arnold Grundlewimp Meets Albert Volstrangler" is another good name in the Bulletheads.
  13. "So if you sit like this for about 2 hours, it will numb down your ass.... class, the leson we learned today is an important one. Never eat Charlie's freeze dried jalapeno chili!"
  14. The point of the Screamer is that it only limits the force until it fully extends so Im not surprised by these findings I have only seen one Screamer fall, it was in shitty wet ice, and only about 1/3 of the stitching ripped from a 12 foot fall. I have 5 screamers and will continue to use them.
  15. the gate vibration issue is why some ppl used to use lockers on them but since wiregates dont have gate flutter issues, it become irrelevant.
  16. "I climb HARD damn it and I don't want to be limited to MODERATE-ing"
  17. when i saw the please make it stop title i thought it was a plea to the moderators to lock the Union thread and put the posters out of their misery.
  18. you will like this one Nate Woods problem where you do a lying down start and crawl out this V10 roof 6-8 inches off the ground bring a shovel
  19. What's that "Brad Driscoll Outnumbered his guests" one?
  20. stop trying to be nice this is a brawl! its almost dry enough to run out to HOPE which is closer than Squamish But I heard it was going to rain this weekend
  22. we're talking about a UK gritstone climb, everyone but you already knew I was referring to a UK tech grade because the other part of the question contains a UK adjectival grade.
  23. Dru


    coffee. in extreme cases, coffee enema
  24. $50 let me know if you don't get a better offer
  25. there is a lot of snow up high but a lot of melt low down. snowline is actually higher right now than it was this time last year if i'm not misataken. cause last year you could drive into tamihi cr. in feb but not in march (snow fell), and this yr is the reverse (snow has melted)!
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