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Everything posted by Dru

  1. fiddler originally given 13a upgraded to 13d. 3 repeats all by petro the 5.14 pitch on dihedral el cap and the 5.14 pitch on wa column (?) are both at least partly to mostly bolt protected burke claimed nose changing corners pitch was 14b but hill says "no way"
  2. Off the top of my head I can think of Magic Line 14b Le Boogeyman 14a Lost Horizons 14a Dihedron 14a Tombstone by Dean Potter is unrated No way Jose was given 13+ but is unrepeated.
  3. Aces have not been available for 20 years. Fires have just passed their 20th anniversary (1984), Aces didnt come on the market till around 92.
  4. The Troller in Horseshoe Bay. what an appropriate name
  5. finally a new pagetop NODDDERROHMYGOD
  6. Some of you might remember this film from last year http://www.drtopo.com/quebec/zebree.html Jeff Beaulieu finally pinkpointed La Zebree (The Zebra) a week or two ago at 5.14-. It is being called one of the 5 hardest cracks in North America.
  7. I stand corrected. I thought you meant just in this thread.
  8. Chip a few 5.12s down to 10b's, climb them and then fill in the holds with cement afterwards.
  9. Lol I see someone other than me already registered "Dru" on that board.
  10. To clarify: Dane did not call this a pissing match - Andy Fitz did.
  11. Dru

    Strangest Google Ad?

    "Dwarfism Online Dating A new singles site for the dwarfism community. Find love and more. www.littlepeopledepot.com" Post the weird nonsequitir ones you find here!
  12. I still have all the pictures the chica's PM'ed me for the "Stone Nudes of CC.com" calendar
  13. I see some ambiguity or contradiction here. To clarify: It seems that, although you do not support bolted on holds you would rather see Dishman remain open with bolted on holds, than closed. Also you do not address bolted crack climbs and route name graffiti at all in this statement.
  14. free solo, and don't take gear. that is the lightest weight option.
  15. THe deadline for the next edition of "Alpine Select" will be sometime in 2005 because I heard today the 2nd edition is going to come out in 2006. Having a high quality aerial photo of your new route will obviously VASTLY increase its chance of making it into the guide
  16. Dru


    Fall is the best time of year when its sunny, and the worst when it rains. I like the leaves turning pretty colors
  17. Dru

    Wazzup Ya'll

    this thread makes me feel warm and fuzzy Heh heh I'm stealing ascensionist.com bandwidth!
  18. the poles have no gravitational, or even "gravitaional" pull, dr. science!
  19. I would rather they AVOIDED the obvious seam, and bolted away from it, than that they BOLTED the obvious seam. Is this the case? The wording is kind of ambiguous.Do the bolts follow the seam or not? If not then I wonder what is wrong with it - the bolting? Hand drill placed bolts are legal in wilderness, are they not?
  20. Dru


  21. get that bellingham rock guidebook! i think its out of print but finding someone's copy or from the library shoulkd be easy.
  22. he's a scrawny guy with legs that look like an anorexic girl's arms, a little potbelly and stick thin arms with no muscles. he himself said that his climbing is all about technique and that he can barely do a dozen pullups.
  23. there are some pretty weak climbers out there, like Steve Schneider, who nonetheless manage to climb hard. genetrics is an excuse.
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