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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Shocking Layton news from Google!
  2. I am helping this thread to realize its full potential
  3. I heard the story later on from some dudes in Squamish who watched the pack fall. Apparently an Oregon based party put the pack down on a ledge on top of the rope. Didn't clip it in. Went to pulla bight of rope and knocked pack off. watched it tumble out of sight and assumed it was gone for good.
  4. That's cause I am ALL MUSCLE
  5. You fool you don't put the Rohypnol in your own drink! My bestest was apack with $800 worth of gear on Slesse. second bestest was four stuck ropes over the course of a week at RRocks.
  6. lOoks like Layton is getting more than his footsies wet.
  7. i was assuming density to be constant
  8. Josune isn't 10 years old you dope
  9. square cube law ... height is one dimensional but mass is related to volume, which is three-dimensional. this is why they divide by a square when calculating BMI
  10. in suite jacuzzi!
  11. looks like a Jawa
  12. Natalie Portman is forever tainted by having appeared on the same screen as Jar-Jar Binks Talk about a career ending move!
  13. That's totally awesome... often overlooked in the "Canada is better" debates focussing on gay marriage, staying out of Iraq, budget surplus and decriminalized marijuana, is the fact that age of consent here is 14, not 18
  14. AAAAH!!! MAKE IT STOP. PONIES!!! CARE BEARS!!!! sounds like SOMEONE might need THIS!
  15. Ah yes the famous red X in a white box!
  16. Dru

    I hate stupid people

    Virtual abacus, beyotch!
  17. Man that CareBear above looks like it has an exploding bladder, doesn't it? What's with that legs crossed stance?
  18. Dru


    It is like trying to decide between two brands of margarine.
  19. Greatest Tits?
  20. Dru

    I'm back!

    Whatever happened to Freshie?
  21. Dru

    I'm back!

  22. Dru

    I can't wait!

    maybe they can build a monorail too
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