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Everything posted by Dru

  1. And when we got on the ship He brought out something for the trip And said its old but its good Like any other primitive would
  2. BTW to get off Labour Day we traversed skiiers left across ledges on the southwest face and finished on the south ridge, no need to rap but some bush and class 4 downclimbing.
  3. Good stuff, those Rexford climbers have a TR on ClubTread. One mildly experienced leader and two other climbers who had never put a harness on or climbed 4th Class before.
  4. depends on the route, zero to 6
  5. Mainly you shouldn't be leaving cams in a rappel anchor BECAUSE THEY COST THREE TO FIVE TIMES AS MUCH AS A PASSIVE PIECE THE SAME SIZE!!
  6. Let's have a war! Jack up the Dow Jones! Let's have a war! It can start in New Jersey! Let's have a war! Blame it on the middle-class! Let's have a war! We're like rats in a cage! It already started in the city! Suburbia will be just as easy!
  7. The rec -dot Edmund FitzGerald.
  8. Dru

    Sounds of Science

    Since it's Saturn, its more likely to be Kronos Quartet
  9. She's bin lookin' like a queen in a sailor's dream And she don't always say what she really means Sometimes I think it's a shame
  10. you mean Outer Space?
  11. Dru

    Sounds of Science

    Saturn is a source of intense radio emissions, which have been monitored by the Cassini spacecraft. The radio waves are closely related to the auroras near the poles of the planet. These auroras are similar to Earth's northern and southern lights. This is an audio file of radio emissions from Saturn. The Cassini spacecraft began detecting these radio emissions in April 2002, when Cassini was 374 million kilometers (234 million miles) from the planet, using the Cassini radio and plasma wave science instrument. The radio and plasma wave instrument has now provided the first high resolution observations of these emissions, showing an amazing array of variations in frequency and time. The complex radio spectrum with rising and falling tones, is very similar to Earth's auroral radio emissions. These structures indicate that there are numerous small radio sources moving along magnetic field lines threading the auroral region. Time on this recording has been compressed, so that 73 seconds corresponds to 27 minutes. Since the frequencies of these emissions are well above the audio frequency range, we have shifted them downward by a factor of 44
  12. San Juans... must be somthing there b/c there is so much ggood stuiff next door in the BC Gulf Islands. I remember this 3 km long 5.8 traverse, we would do it with our lifejackets on cause if you fell off in the middle you had to swim back a km or so to get out of the water
  13. Dru


    No need to change the Get Out Of Jail Free card
  14. twin sisters range traverse too. maybe S--->N starting off with darin's arete route?
  15. les mcdonald and partner did that ridge in 1960, so did beckey & partner but mcdonald did the tower to start and beckey didnt....
  16. Dru

    Sounds of Science

    It's radio waves emitted by Saturn. recorded by Cassini probe.
  17. viruses can stick to chalk and be transported more easily to your lungs
  18. I saw SOMEONE stash some chalk granules in their buttcrack and then take a dip while bouldering just as if they had a chalk bag back there
  19. Dru

    Sounds of Science

    http://www.nasa.gov/123163main_cas-skr1-112203.wav Proof that Sun Ra was right.
  20. PS Moderators should move this to the BC/Canada Forum
  21. Yes, on my side of the border
  22. Was the road from Slesse Memorial to Prop Cairn still a jungle or did it magically get pruned in the last week or so?
  23. found this one on clubtread, as of july 20
  24. Dru

    A modest proposal

    your mom
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