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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Pierce Lake--->Macfarlane--->Crossover--->Parkes--->Slesse and out.
  2. Poor skunks. can you buy that in Enumclaw or were you grinding your own every day?
  3. Dru

    A modest proposal

    Look you prolapsed rectum, why don't you snort that dangling booger back up your nose cause its actually yuor brain dribbling out. Tehn yuo can call 1-800-OLY-SUCK and see if they waaahmbulance can come and pick yuo up. OMFG ROFL LMAO LOL 733t 0lysuxx0r
  4. If it smells like skunk it must be us.
  5. Dru

    A modest proposal

    Solar power----> Electricity---->water----> Hydrogen & oxygen. Store hydrogen. Hydrogen + oxygen-----> water + electricity.
  6. I bet it was some other weasel and not a marten at all.
  7. foxes have much longer legs and noses.
  8. Dru

    specialed's tit

    Sped needs to take the Dave Schuldt chewing gum.
  9. where is the stuffed chicken photo?
  10. You guys should have spooned.
  11. But... your photo doesn't look foxlike at all. Even if Alpinfox is a weasel.
  12. Dru

    Strange harvest

    No it just means it takes 23% longer for the plant to intake the same level of water-soluble nutrients. I think thats a giant stinking corpseflower. You might not get high from it but you could find yourself playing chess against some guy with a scythe and a SEVERE eating disorder.
  13. Dru

    Strange harvest

    That just affects rate, not amount. You don't think maytbe they already use high CO2 in greenhouses? How do you think the Buds on BC Bud get so big? And they stone you just as good. Is THC a nutrient? Vitamin 420.
  14. I think it was limestone that had lost its marbles.
  15. "claims" I tried it. It's gross.
  16. Dru

    Bio-Fuels farce

    This doesn't translate well... 90's flashback!
  17. Dru

    A modest proposal

    These studies all demonstrate the garbage in, garbage out dictum. Start by assumning you will use fossil fuels to make green fuels and you guarantee that it will be unproductive to do so. Not to mention it's hard to run a car on wind or solar power, or burning biomass to make thermal energy. But hey, what if you use solar or wind energy to make biofuels? Hmm?
  18. Bloatmeal is no longer yummy, even outside.
  19. The short tailed ones are hyper!
  20. Dru

    Doggie Day Camp!!

    too much peanut butter is not good for dogs
  21. Dru

    A modest proposal

    walking is for POOR PEOPLE!! bicycles are for the Chinese.
  22. Dru

    Strange harvest

    kind of silly really, plant grows faster so nutritional content is lower. just like if you put one scoop of sugar in half a liter of water or in a liter of water, the sugar content in the full liter is half... but you still get a scoop of sugar whether you drink a half liter or liter.
  23. Dru

    A modest proposal

    Ethanol and biodiesel are apples and oranges.
  24. Dru

    Doggie Day Camp!!

    Korean BBQ afterwards?
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