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Everything posted by Dru

  1. damn access issues forum needs images enabled! [ 02-25-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]
  2. go up road to lake, climb ridge, ski down? should take about 14 hrs. dunno if that involves overnight.
  3. the russians won it most of those years anyways until we let them join the NHL then look what it did to them. fuckin swedes still looking for Belarus on the map "Whatt hitt mee??"
  4. non sequitir non sequitir... "so it wouldn't explode when he fucked it." (moron, you paying attention?)
  5. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: It looks like she is, but I think that pick is the Rambles in July. There is nothing that steep at the Rambles. That's actually Cherry Ice in July!
  6. quote: Originally posted by erik: never ever ever like to hear about this stuff..... and i really do hope that jim has a speedy and full recovery... but for me it is always a time to revaluate(i am not speculating baout others or their actions) myself and the simple things that might be overlooked with climbing that sometimes seems so redundent and second nature.... check your knot and harness and your partners...ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wear a helmet at vantage...loosest place this side of the Rockies.
  7. Seen on a sign in downtown Chilliwack: "we didn't just win. we KICKED SOME ASS"
  8. Dru

    Top Rope Getup

    1 experienced climberhis or her rack and equipment a belay device for you best way i know of getting a rope up on something hard you want to try.
  9. quote: Originally posted by Fromage: Congrats to the Canuck ladies last night, but we'll see how things go with the men tonight. Fromage 5-2!!!!!!!!!!!What does it feel like to get your ass kicked like that?
  10. that gully on crown avalanches N face of harvey is nice right now (so i heard) no rocks or dirt see w. coast ice for Se gully of Lion beta. 4 hr approach vs 1.5h for harvey n face. you sound kinda transportation-limited or i would suggest s ridge of welch as good winter line with quick approach. check out bivouac.com for more info on routes on Crown.
  11. quote: Originally posted by danielpatricksmith: The other option is to free it. 11d. There is a photo of Hamish Faser freeing this pitch in the Squamish guidebook if you want to try and absorb beta from the picture.
  12. somebody gimme the thread link...
  13. I though Sappho was the Chumstick of the Olympics. Or is it the Plain of the Olympics. "did you know your town was named after a lesbian?""watch your mouth boy or Im not gonna give you a refill!"
  14. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: It's like a hornets nest over there! Walk the gauntlet. They've got their gig all tied in together and their loyalties set, so trying to troll & infiltrate has an immediate and tangible affect. I just used the obvious approach which was to start shit with the girl everyone wants but can't have. Too bad they're all in Utah! Sounds like rec.climbing, bunch of self-loving gapers.
  15. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: Just curious...does anyone else think that i am provoking this...besides ray? dan Larson sucks... oops wrong thread. uh... rodchester sucks... uh... where's my stash??
  16. quote: Originally posted by trask: http://forum.powdermag.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/005615.html ...here ya go Dru. read it now!!
  17. quote: Originally posted by gregm: it wasn't kiddy porn till you looked at it [ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: gregm ] all that baby needs is a pole to hold on to.
  18. quote: Originally posted by gregm: adamson why don't you just admit that i can troll better than you can. your trolls are vague, plastered across the walls of the internet. my trolls are focused, surgical. i really pissed you off didn't i. admit it. this coming from a guy with kiddy porn in his sig... whatevah.
  19. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: Wow! I never would've believed this thread would turn into such a sprayfest! c'mon page 20!!!
  20. erik sux dead goats [ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: erik ] [ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]
  21. this thread is funny. spray spray.
  22. non sequitir
  23. BATTLE CAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno what mueller is thinking those lame ass colorado/utah skiers are never gonna visit cascadesprayers.com cause they would get punked anyways and they know it. aaaahhhhh spray freshies. untracked powder spray to burn through.
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