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Posts posted by scot'teryx

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by sketchfest:

    Scott, you have got to be one of the original mr. tough guys. Normally you don't even have to post and people give you shit, let alone the few times you do offer something up to the masses, you are immediately ridiculed. Dude you got some thick ass skin to keep coming back to this shit.

    I feed off of this crap, this is nothing

    I only get stronger!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. quote:

    Originally posted by Chepe:

    Gaper'teryx you should get yourself a full on set of body armor for skiing. It seems like it would "suit" your personality well. We would all hate to read the TR on Gape'teryx.org where you break 15 bones tumbling down a 25 degree heinously sustained slope and then got partially buried by an avalanche.


  3. quote:

    One of the things that Snot has in common with the pika: Coprophagy (eating feces).


    Snot-tryx, (like Pikas) excretes two kinds of solid waste. The first kind is soft and dark green. Pikas reingest this "waste", which still contains digestible nutrients. Reingestion is either immediate (as it's excreted)or after storage in the haypile. The Snot-tryx has even been reported to ingest feces
    it is excreted (see above) due to its peculiar, insatiable affinity for shit-eating. The final scat is a tiny version of the familiar rabbit pellet, round and brown. Pikas don't reingest this scat, so it collects in haypiles over the years.


    And I thought 47 packets of gu was hard core.

    Rad Mitch! - I think you spent too much time writing that one out, and it's just plain dumb.

    Cheers to you though, you got the fighting Irish in ya! [sNAFFLEHOUND]

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by Greg W:


    Originally posted by scot'teryx:


    Originally posted by Greg W:

    Scot'idyBowl: No
    [big Grin]
    for someone calling Retro a "wanker" after such a cool accomplishment.

    Calling someone a wanker is now against the spray law?

    So does this mean you can't call me a gaper?
    Caveman is right, there are no spray laws just sensibilities. I may not call you a gaper, but I might call you the cum-guzzling cougar raper that you are. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Retro's accomplishment; your 'wanker' comment pissed me off. Take it any way you want, I don't care.


    Greg W

    Glad your able to take with a grain of salt! [Roll Eyes]
  5. quote:

    Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:

    There are no spray laws only the whistle on the thread. You are all wankers and lemmings like I.

    I'd like to say your wrong there Mr Cavey

    Spary Law #1: When referring to scot'agonia or Larson, one must refer to the "Muir on Saturday" post, or Tigers in the Mountains [sNAFFLEHOUND]


    [ 09-18-2002, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  6. If you have not signed up for this, please do so

    They do need to have you sign up to be able to participate:


    Contact Info:

    Suzanne Thornock


    425-514-5589 or Jack at 425-258-3431


    Adopt-A-Crag Day Participants:


    As the day of the event nears we'd like to thank you for setting time aside to participate and inform you of the days agenda.


    We will be meeting at 8:15am in Monroe at the Monroe Park and Ride next to the Evergreen State Fairgrounds. We will leave the park and ride at 8:30am and Head to the Index climbing area. Carpooling arrangements will be finalized at the park and ride as necessary. If you need help with transportation and would like to participate contact Suzanne at -514-5589 or Jack at 425-258-3431.




    1. Long pants are suggested


    2. Rain gear (just in case)


    3. Day pack to carry belongings in


    4. Garden/work gloves if possible. We will provide latex gloves.


    5. Water/something to drink


    6. Sack lunch


    Members that have a release form on file will not need to fill out anything. Those that do not already have a completed release form must provide a completed release form before participating. We will have blank forms available. Those under 18 must have a form completed by their parent or guardian.




    We will be cleaning up garbage and cutting the existing trails back at Index as our project. Jobs will be assigned when we arrive and have an exact head count of participants.


    Hopefully the weather will shine brightly on Saturday. Bring your sack lunch and have lunch by the river. Remember the golden climbing rule, pack out what you pack in.




    As an incentive many of the vendors have donated items to our raffle. Each participant will receive one free raffle ticket for participating. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $2.00 each. You must sign in and participate to win any raffle items. The raffle is only for participants and all proceeds go to The Access Fund in the name of Cascade Crags Members.


    We will have two raffle drawings jugs, one for non-purchased raffle tickets and one for purchased raffle tickets. This will ensure a fair chance for all participants to win prizes.


    Items in the free ticket drawing:


    X Lowe Pack


    X Metolius Fingerboard


    X Bluewater Rope


    Items in the purchased ticket drawing:


    X Dana Pack


    X 5-10 shoes


    X Chaco Sandals


    X Other items




    There will be pizza and refreshments provided at Cascade Crags following the cleanup. The raffle will be held during this time. Hang out with your friends at meet some other fellow climbers. Let's make Adopt-A-Crag Day a success together. See you on Saturday, September 7th.


    Climb on,

    Suzanne, Jack, Scott and Cascade Crags

  7. This happened to me about 4 months ago. The police would not do anything as they said there was nothing stolen. My bank insured it, even though it was a debit card they used, but they used the cc numbers, and added their name on the fake CC.


    They went to home depot and charged $1000 and got a gift certificate. I was able to cancel the gift cert before they could use it, but they also got my amex and were able to spend a large hunk of change at liquor stores and such.


    I learned my lesson and always take my wallet with me, as this lesson cost me 2 weeks w/o cash and a total burden. Sorry if this has happened to anyone else, as I feel your pain. Those bastards need an ice screw through their ears! [HORSECOCK]

  8. Dru: Freakin hilarious! Big Time LOL!

    It seems I need to watch what I post on the wta website, as even admin's from CC's go there huh?


    What the hell are you climbers looking at that site for anyway?


    There's no beta for "Realization" or "Just Do It" there. Just countless posts of simple hikes, nothing that you would ever be interested in. [Wink]


    I need to go whaling at the belay ledge on "Canary" - anyone want to come?

  9. I was up on Vesper via the dog route yesterday and did note that in the log book a recent entry said that the moat was gnarly. Couldn't tell you though, but the N Face looks so sweeeet!


    Is it really that hard to protect?

  10. NOTE: This is an unorganized event, no sponsors, no nothing, fully supported by ourselves and friends

    Date: Saturday September 21st

    Teams: 3-4 Co-Ed

    Where: Mountain Loop Highway: Pilchuck, Dickerman, Vesper


    Very similar to the Eco-Challenge, as everyone in the group has to complete the race, and there is to be at least one woman for each team of 3-4. Flags will be placed on the route which will have to be retrieved by teams for each checkpoint.


    The challenge will start from the Mt Pilchuck trailhead (3100 feet)

    Teams will hit the summit (5324', 3 miles one way) and then scramble down to Frozen Lake beneath the lookout tower. From here they will scramble across the summit ridge towards Pinnacle Lake, and then take the Pinnacle Lake trail to the bottom where bikes will await them for the ride down to the Mountain Loop highway.


    Continuing on the Mountain Loop highway, teams will make their way to the Mt Dickerman trailhead (approx 9 miles, I will get exact figures) where they will either sleep or continue on. Trailhead is at 2000', and the summit is at 5723 after 4.3 miles of hiking one way.


    After bagging the summit of Mt Dickerman teams will then descend (if they wish, or camp) and get back on the bikes at the trailhead where they will then ride the Mountain Loop Highway towards the Sunshine Mine trail (4 miles or so) which will take them towards the summit of Vesper Peak. Trail is 4.0 miles to the summit with an elevation gain of 4100 feet. Summit is at 6214'.


    From there they will descend back to the trailhead, get on the bikes and head back to the finish line which will be the Verlot Ranger Station that is about 16.5 miles.


    All teams must complete at the same time, and they must stay together at all times.


    If one person needs to rest, then they all rest. This is an endurance climb/race, so don't underestimate it. I have climbed all these peaks, but never all in the same day, and never on a bike, so it is a true challenge. You would have to be crazy to want to do this. So are you ready?


    Here are the facts:

    Mileage hiking:

    Mileage biking: approx: 40 (7 miles are downhill from Mt Pilchuck)

    Elevation Gain: 10,100'


    We will need volunteers that will be at checkpoint throughout the race, such as the

    Mt Pilchuck Lookout

    Mt Pilchuck trailhead

    Verlot Ranger Station

    Dickerman Trailhead

    Dickerman Summit

    Sunshine Mine trailhead

    Vesper Summit


    register your teams ASAP!




  11. They guard Cathedral Gap this time of year.

    What they really want are Camalots 2-3.5, since it is a misconception that cams work on cougars the same way they work on bears. I have found out that express ice screws work the best on cougars, you figure out the best way to use them though [laf]

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