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Posts posted by scot'teryx

  1. quote:

    isnt 'nwog' a racial slur? you got some aryan nations goin on at nwog.org or what?


    gapers like you that just got to spout off about some rescue somewhere and second guess should all just go fellate each other in a windowless room somewhere. kiss it


    Sure is nice that you can take such a tragedy and then in the same thread you can start shit with fellow posters, even if they are gapers such as myself. You need to grow up, you all around kick ass kind of guy. I wish I could be your friend

  2. Well no shit Scotty. Maybe you should smoke some ALPINE INSPIRATION to help you think about that. Like maybe one dude self arrested and held the others or something? If they weren't roped up why did 7 of 8 fall in, maybe they all stopped to dig out their modems and laptops and make a summitpost at the same time and just happened to be over a hidden crevasse???? [Wazzup][Wazzup]


    Dru, chill out dude

    Maybe you should start shooting heroin, it gets you much higher than the poser weed


    DRU: Posts: 4561

    It seems like you got nothing else better to do in between flipping hamburgers at your minimum wage job


  3. Now that I have watched the news updates, they are in the Bergshrund on the Hogsback.


    On death has been confirmed, and the weather is sunny and clear. I guess a snowcat is being sent up there right now as close as possible. The only person that did not fall in is a paramedic with a cell phone. How did 7/8 fall in? They must not have been roped in since one did not go in? 2 Rope teams that swept each other in the bergshrund? I can't think of how this happened?

  4. KING 5 Story (same as below) 05/30/2002

    Teresa Bell, KGW.com

    PORTLAND - Rescuers are scrambling to reach seven climbers stuck in a crevasse near the summit of Mt. Hood.


    A paramedic climbing with the group managed to call for help on a cell phone. He told authorities seven climbers fell into the gaping hole and it looks as though at least one person is dead, according to Angie Blanchard, spokeswoman for the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office.


    "He is constantly giving us information," Blanchard said of the paramedic on the cell phone. "He told us the location and conditions of the people… several have injuries."


    The paramedic was the only person in the climbing group who did not fall into the crevasse.


    The crevasse is located about 800 feet down from the summit of Mt. Hood above Burgstrom and the saddle point. The climbers were slowly making their way down the mountain when the accident happened just after nine this morning.


    The Clackamas County Search and Rescue Unit set up a command post at Timberline Lodge where they are planning the rescue effort.


    "They're very high up so it's going to be very difficult to reach them," Blanchard said. "The plan may include the assistance of a helicopter as well as a team from Portland Mountain Rescue who will go in on foot." She said Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue may help as well.


    Blanchard said conditions on the mountain looked fairly good for a rescue effort. But it may still take a while to get to the climbers because of their risky location.


    Conditions on the mountain are sunny and clear, according to KGW Meteorologist Dave Salesky. "At the 7,000 foot elevation, the temperature is 42 degrees. The wind is blowing out of the northwest at 15 miles per hour."


    But Blanchard said it may still take a while to get to the climbers because of their precarious location.


    Authorities are not releasing names or hometowns of the climbers, pending notification of relatives.




    "Burgstrom and the saddle point."

    Where is that?

    The Bergshrund and the Hogsback?

    Maybe I should stay away from Adams this weekend?

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by jrwclimbs:

    how was the hike in last week and is the lake still frozen? Did you get any precip either day? Attempt any peaks? Snow conditions?

    Hike in sucked, even with snowshoes

    Lake is frozen, but there are plenty of cracks around the shoreline.

    Precip the whole time, never ending

    We were going to try for Dragontail and Colchuck walkup routes, and try Witches Tower - but all we summitted was the Colchuck Col w/50 feet of visibility. It really sucked and was kinda depressing.


    Ended off the weekend with some fun climbing at Alphabet Wall for our first time at climbing in Leavenworth

    Here is my report Getting Pissed on

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:

    That is a foreshortened view and you cant see triple c ice runnels from there. Good photo though. Most likely taken from the west end of the lake.

    It is actually taken where we camped, at the Southern Most portion of the west side of the lake.

    Triple C's are way out of the photo.

    This image was taken in the only 5 minute span that we got to see Dragontail the whole weekend [Frown] it seemed

  7. St Helens on Saturday: ski ascent/descent

    Granite Mountain on Sunday: 2500 foot glissade down from the false summit - straight shot

    Didn't wear enough sunscreen so my pale ass got burnt.


    It was a fine weekend, but wish I would have done something a little more exciting [big Grin]

  8. Way too many people up there on saturday




    so sunday must have been messed up.

    Good snow except down at the bottom where it kinda sucked, but made it all the way to the parking lot.


    saturday morning at 5am looked like a dead concert. [Razz]

  9. Your all wrong, especially "mound-n dude".

    Its the NE Buttress of the Sod Glacier on Tiger Mountain. "To the Top" did the first free solo ascent last month along with jERry SAnchEZ in his plastics [chubit]

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by TIMM@Y:
    The cost will only be $20, and with the coin you get a dime sack courtesy of scot'teryx.

    It's gonna be Humboldt shake though, sorry guyz, you get what you pay fer

  11. Not part of the green party.

    ANyway, the air tech is rated class B, as many others are rated, but of course Grivel recommends on their site not to use the axe to bat your crampons with, or use the head of the axe as a deadman. To me that says it's a great playtoy to have on the NE Butress of the Sod Glacier on Tiger mountain.

    Gore Tex in boots is good from what I have seen and heard from friends, like La Sprtivas GTX series. My eigers can get soaked even after nixwaxed, but maybe it's just me and I need to hit the bong harder.

    who knows, I am just a gaper tongue.gif" border="0

  12. quote:

    Originally posted by Dan Larson:
    About 6yrs. ago the State of Wa. requested so . It seems I have an allergic reaction to alcohol. Everytime I get drunk I break out in handcuffs....

    [big Drink]cool.gif" border="0

  13. quote:

    Originally posted by Country Jake:
    Is advertizing ever not a bitch... I wonder because there will always be people like us to slash down their new and trendy ideas of selling stuff... most of the time it is not the advertizers, or it is.... who are self dalutional, and have a big fat dilldo up some where unknow to the intelect of any sane shmuck with a brain... but they keep popin' these dumb ideas out to sell shit... but we still buy it if the product is good... granted I will never buy, own, or even let any GAP apearal in to my house; but if so called eddie buawer style catilogs like BD are efencive enough that you wont buy a new BD quickdraw, or a BD hexnut, then your a F#$@ dumb shit, to pass up good merchendice, because it happens to look like an eddie buawer catalog... I say no more...
    frown.gif" border="0

    ur stupid

  14. One more thing:The Grivel Air Tech Racing is not a real axe.It is not rated to take blows like other axes.If you go to the grivel website, it has a pdf you can view for the manual.

    It says not to knock snow off your crampons with it, use it as a deadman, or use it to hammer anything in the snow. Sounds like it is good for one day hikes and such, but no good for a big climb, at least that's my .02

    I want to know if anyone has any feedback yet on what appears to be sweet ice axe: BD Raven

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