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Posts posted by scot'teryx





    SUMMIT (14410) 5

    CAMP MUIR (10000) 20

    PARADISE (5500) 35





    and here was the mountain on the famous day of November 11, 2001!!!!!




    How about next week?

  2. So the whole idea of a reunion at the Muir Hut sounds too enticing.


    But from what I found out it occured on November 11th, which falls on this Monday. With the absence of snow in the lower elevations I think it would be best to wait for more snow so at least some of us can get some turns in.


    I am anxious to see how many folks are actually interested in doing this.


    Anyone have ideas for an upcoming date?



  3. Good times up on the Coleman Saturday afternoon

    Sergio and I met up with TLG and CVS and Saturdya morning and hiked up to the coleman glacier.


    Lots of people already out there. It was a sweet ass day of sun and fun




    Once the sun went down over the ridge it got pretty cold and we bolted around 430pm and thoguht how cold all you guys were gonna be that night.


    How was the French Dining?


    We had fun in the sun on Sunday at 11worth up at Sam Hill, I stuck my finger in a a fuzzy navel of a talk show host


    Climbed until the sun went down




    Climbing in T shirts in November rulez

  4. This is so rad.

    Had no idea this thread was going on until I got hate mail posted by another CC'er.


    I posted it here but did not know I could not.

    It was mean, derogatory, hateful, and childish.

    I guess I cannot say who it came from either.


    I can only say that I love getting feedback from such wonderful people. It inspires me is all that I can say.


    I also think it's rad that some of you have actually gone to my site, as I thought my site only pertained to hikers from the wta.org site and nwhikers.net. It is not cool enough for some of you hardcore climbers, and I'm embarassed to think that you go there. I have recently thought about going back through my site and deleting or fixing some of the older TR's I have, especially from places like Granite Mountain and Mt Si, as those were my first hikes some 2 years ago, and I come across as a big time gaper (or just more of one than I am now). But it is good perpesctive, and I know for a fact from others that email me that they got the necessary information from the TR so that they could make it theor first hike, etc.


    As far as the whole finanacial thing, I got that idea from another website from here in the PNW. Why did I put it there? Because I heard that some people like to support such things, and that's their business. It's probably a bad idea, but wtf? It's my fu**ing site and I can do whatever the hell I want to. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else, I never told you to go to my site in the first place. BUT, there is no reason for you to go to my site, it's for beginners in hiking and climbing, and most of you guys are all tough and hardcore.


    Bash me as you will, but I WILL PREVAIL!

    I have a fleet of cougars that are ready to fight at a moments notice.


    A job, yes that is what I want. But nobody wants me. Hard to get a job in the IT business in this economy for sure. Until then, I will climb outdoors while all you pussies are in your cube farms, pumping gas, flipping burgers, and picking up garbage.


    My rant for the day.

    I love you all.

    Who's in on the Muir on Saturday reunion?

    It has to happen.

    I'll see many of you tomorrow on the Coleman.








    [ 11-02-2002, 06:55 AM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  5. I think the Sierra Designs Alpine Start, and the Marmot Pre Cip are both killer jackets and wish I would have saved some $$ and bought those instead, but then my name would be scott'designs or something

  6. did not notice a large rock in the middle of the face at all. There was a large rock half way up the route on the right side where we had a good belay station. You can see sergio belaying from it in pic 3 as I took a picture from up above.

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by Lambone:

    so how suprized were you when you found out that you needed screws instead of pickets :: nice photos gaper...

    Not that surpised, gapers like me always screw shit up like that, dont you? How is it supposed to be fun if you come fully prepared.......


  8. 10/14/02

    Sergio and I hit this in late morning and started the 1st pitch simul climbing




    but what sucked was i had no screws with me, and he only had 2, and our pickets were worthless in the bulletproof ice. This meant we would have to runout each pitch w/o placing pro, so it would be much more interesting, especially with the condition of the ice.




    We belayed 2 pitches, and the ice was so hard and dinnerplating that shards were slicing my arms and legs that Sergio sent down to me. After that we traversed and led affset from the belay and learned our lesson.


    I led out the 2nd pitch, right after following him up




    I got burnt real quick and we broke this pitch into two, so he followed me and then lead out the last 1/2 pitch to the top. The last 30 feet or so were pretty cool as it was about 60 degrees and much easier to climb than the average 50 degrees down below.




    At the top we were greeted with a nice view of some mountain covered in snow and stuff




    I think it's Tiger mountain?




    Barely made it to the trail before sundown




    Good climb, just another training session to get ready for Chair this winter.


    [ 10-23-2002, 08:19 AM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  9. Observation was not so bad last week.

    Sergio and I hit in late morning and started the 1st pitch simul climbing




    but what sucked was i had no screws with me, and he only had 2, and our pickets were worthless in the bulletproof ice. This meant we would have to runout each pitch w/o placing pro, so it would be much more interesting, especially with the condition of the ice.




    We belayed 2 pitches, and the ice was so hard and dinnerplating that shards were slicing my arms and legs that Sergio sent down to me. After that we traversed and led affset from the belay and learned our lesson.


    I led out the 2nd pitch, right after following him up




    I got burnt real quick and we broke this pitch into two, so he followed me and then lead out the last 1/2 pitch to the top. The last 30 feet or so were pretty cool as it was about 60 degrees and much easier to climb than the average 50 degrees down below.




    At the top we were greeted with a nice view of some mountain covered in snow and stuff




    I think it's Tiger mountain?




    Barely made it to the trail before sundown




    Good climb, just another training session to get ready for Chair this winter.


    [ 10-23-2002, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by thelawgoddess:

    went up to the pearly gates instead ... to help in the domination. that place deserves anothe visit or two for sure!
    [big Grin]

    PG's does rock for sure!

    Milky Way was my favorite of all, that start is damn stout in my book! That rock is so clean and awesome! It appears there have been more routes established since the most recent topo that LMS and DS have been circulating.


    Anyone know what that project is rated or called that has anchors just left of Milky Way of you are facing the wall? All the topo says is "project" and it appears to be done.


    Can't wait to go back.......

    Should have spent the whole day there...........

  11. PAGE TOP!

    Lead easy climbs that you have TR'd many times, (i.e. 5.4-5.7).


    Place gear on TR as you climb, find the sweet spots for the gear, then climb the route.


    Find a good belayer


    Find a route that is not meandering, and more straight up so you dont have to worry about runners.


    Some good routes in Leavenworth that you might check out:


    Clamshell Cave:

    Noisy Oyster

    Keep Clam


    Barney's Rubble

    5.6 Lieback


    X-Y Cracks (short & easy routes 5.5-5.7)

    Just a few thoughts........


    [ 10-20-2002, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  12. Since we were down at Ida Creek this weekend, I was not able to hook up with anyone, but curious as to where everyone climbed?


    We hit the Pearly Gates on Saturday am/pm, and then Clamshell Cave after that (saw ToTheTop and Jon there)


    Sunday we went to Fish Wall and then to Little Bridge Creek Rock. Good times, good weather.


    Did jERRY sAncHEZ get kicked by the fire by anyone?


    Was there a midnight climb?


    [ 10-20-2002, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  13. quote:

    and enjoyed a day cragging at the Pearly Gates, and of course drank some beer.
    [big Drink]
    Thanks TG, that was some damn good sh*t.

    When were you at Pearly Gates?

    We were there on Saturday from 1030am till 3 pm and saw no one. That place [rockband]


    [ 10-20-2002, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  14. CAMPGROUNDS: On October 14th at 2 p.m. the gates will be closed to Eightmile, Upper and Lower Johnny Creek, and Tumwater campgrounds. All Campgrounds up the Icicle will go on non-fee status as of October 14th requiring campers to bring their own water and toilet tissue, and to pack out your garbage; no camping will be allowed at Tumwater Campground.




    See you all tomorrow (Friday) [Wazzup]

  15. quote:

    Originally posted by Greg W:

    90 minutes max.

    90 minutes? Damn Mofo!

    You must have a sweet VR6 or new A8 or something?

    Porsche Speedster? Turbo 3.6?


    Not like my rodeo can go that fast, but from everett it takes me exactly 2 hours, as it is 100 miles exactly from I5 and Hwy 2


    [ 10-16-2002, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: scot'teryx ]

  16. Rad!

    My smith rock trip got cancelled, I might have to stop on by BGC in a cougar suit, hit some gravity bongs, and then go climb at XY crack!


    Anyone plan on climbing the PG's on Saturday?

    I'll be there for sure, as well as Marley Wall!




    Castle Rock?


  17. quote:

    Originally posted by Bronco:

    I reversed the mantle onto my aider, threw down the ladder er aider and went to pull the hose, which was still on the upper summit. Pull and nothing. Must have wrapped it around a flake (vent) before I came down.


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