The alveolar gas equation explains how an altitude tent works. FiO2 is the fraction of inspired oxygen, which is 0.21 (21%) at all altitudes. Patm is the atmospheric pressure. As you go higher Patm is lower, which reduces the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli of the lung. You can simulate high altitude by sleeping in a hypobaric chamber that lowers the Patm to simulate high altitude. An altitude tent can’t change the Patm like a hypobaric chamber can, but it can create the same partial pressure in the alveoli, by reducing FiO2.
The math certainly works, but I question the utility of sleeping in an altitude tent for eight hours and then spending the next 16 hours at sea level. It’s hard for me to imagine that this would really make much of a difference. Fortunately, I now live at 5000 feet in Colorado and have a cabin at 8500 feet where I ski and bike every weekend. The best way to acclimatize is just to move here!
Andy, let me know if you want to come out and get some turns in at Vail. I’m still on tele’s.