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Everything posted by TimL

  1. Only a poseur would ask this question......your not welcome in advance.
  2. Figured out I gottta start training again for rock climbing.
  3. I second what Dannible said. Or, do what I did. Go to school and take your time in getting your degree while taking time off of school to go on an adventure or two. A student life should give you time to figure out what you want to do and give you time to play. In my case, I graduated from being a student with plenty of time off to a teacher with plenty of time off!
  4. Yeah....Catalunya is beautiful, but you gotta check out he North of Spain..Asturias and Cantabria...it's the hidden jewel!
  5. Could somebody give me the beta on the Mt. Washington scramble route? Where to park and the trail? It seems like it would be obvious and from the TR's but the details seems to escape me. I've been looking for the climbers guide to the Olympics but I can't seem to find a copy around here. Thanks, Tim
  6. Sold
  7. I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me several good trail runs that end in summits in the Olympics or even just good trail runs. I ran Mt. Ellinor from the lower trailhead yesterday and I thought it was excellent, but I'm starting to run out of ideas as I'm new to the Olympics. Thanks for any and all ideas!
  8. I think Lance hit the nail on the head.
  9. Just got in from Spain and trying to make some time this week to get out one day. I'm interested in doing something rock, either cragging or preferable something moderate and alpine. I have a couple ideas and am open to pretty much anything that I havn't done yet. PM me if interested. Cheers, Tim
  10. Rad, I have some experience with this. First, how overhanging is it? Second, are you going to leave fixed draws to make clipping more comfortable, are there hard clips, or are you going to live fixed draws to help in cleaning the draws that are not fixed. Many times I see every other or every two draws fixed to help in cleaning the route when you lower off. Generally I see fixed draws when it's a roof or overhanging 10 or more meters when the length of the route is 35 meters or higher. You also gotta think if it is almost impossible to clean, etc. And I want to go to the place when i get back.
  11. What up bro? I'll be back in Seattle around the middle of July. We should head out!
  12. Dude, if i had a kid who climbed as hard as I do....or did by that time, I'd be a happy parent! But by then 8a, 8a+ even 8b will be warm ups!
  13. Yeah, it means cigar...or a joint depending who your smoking...I mean talking with. You should of contacted me. I could of given you a list a places to climb at when there's bad weather here in Spain.
  14. Actually, it has happened. Probably quite a bit. The Country at Index is somewhat notorious for it: Angora Grotto Cunning Stunt Climax Control All these have been lead with just gear, rather safely, and Angora Grotto is a straight-up hand crack. I think it was all Collum's work, so that he wouldn't have to carry a rack. Are there more? Probably. But some form of precedent was set, and even though Cunning Stunt has been chopped, rightfully so, a few times, the bolts keep coming back. Anyone know about this? Climax control has been lead on gear? Coming in from Cunning Stunt? Doesn't matter, but if i remember thats pretty bold. All the routes you mentioned above should be chopped in my book....but leave the anchors..ha..ha..ha
  15. I luv u too Rudy
  16. werd bro. I luv'em too and climbin. Nuthing personal, just playin devils advocate.
  17. unchecked idealism leads to blind stupidity...ground up..no bolts....etc. I doubt anyone will start bolting next to cracks. It's like a paranoia....ooooo bolts nexts to cracks...who knows of a bolted hand crack in Washington State? Tradition is to be guarded but not used as a spearhead. Your right, "classic" doesn't make a difference. Look at how many bolts are next to cracks on El Cap...... This is a fun little topic to waste a little time on, but I'm done now.
  18. Bolts get such a quick knee jerk reaction. I think you have to pick and choose your battles. Anchors on Pumpline....big friggin deal. Bolts on Dan's Dreadful Direct...I see why they chopped them. It's a fantastic line.
  19. Test piece...get the outta here...ha...ha...ha...but I'll say it's a nice route I don't see a big deal about it? How many bolts are in the proximity of the route? Hundreds....? The place is called Careno CRAG. I don't see anything wrong with throwing an anchor on that as long as there are no bolts on the route. Lets talk about something different...say for example Air Roof. It has bolts next to a crack where you could, it would be a pain, walk off. On this route you could build a gear anchor. BTW, if anyone has some extra time please replace the anchors on air Roof. They suck!
  20. What happens it you link both pitches 1 and 2........do you get an extra 8D I don't think it makes a difference...but what if you link the first part of Iron Horse with the last half or technical crux of Sag? To me it feels like you could bump the grade up a bit, but then you have a couple really good rests. Grades will always be disputed. I think there is only two grades, send or flail...all the rest is,,,gym climbing!
  21. Thats what I thought. Last time I was living in the NW after the winter of an El Nino year it was dry, hot and fairly good weather.
  22. Sounds good. I'll give you a shout when i get back. I'm sure he can hang the draws on my projects.
  23. I climbed more in the Cascades last summer than any of the previous 20. I thought the weather was awesome and never got skunked. Thats my point, I've lost my point of reference for "good" Cascade weather.
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