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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Interesting theory I guess. Why would they need to keep it a secret? Anyway, here's a somewhat dated news story implicating the terroristasspada lake closure story.
  2. When I went to Index on the 15th the sign still said "closed until further notice". I seriously doubt Static or Sultan Basin will open this year because the terrorist threat to our water purity still looms so large .I hatethat Osama guy! [ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  3. I am wondering what does and what doesn't get put up on the current topics on the main page. I know Spray doesn't get up there but you can get that with the "last 40 posts" link. What I noticed today is that the North Cascades section doesn't appear on either of these spots. Why is that? At least the Spindrift Coulouir thread is not showing up on the main page. Chuck
  4. quote: Originally posted by erik: look chucK fancies himself as babad..... I'm a babigged baballed babaddass babuddy. You can babite me Badabing badabam badabow bow bow.
  5. DM, I find your statements puzzling. First you rail about how bad boulderers are for the surrounding environment and then in your next post you characterize restrictions on boulderers at Hueco as "rediculous". If you think boulderers suck so bad, why do you think restrictions upon them are ridiculous?
  6. Does UW Rock count as outdoor climbing? If so,d,c,f UW Rock,a,d,b,a,d If not,a,c,a,b,a,b,a,d
  7. So was someone injured because the sheath failed? Why would that be? How did they get injured falling on the first clip? Isn't that below the bouldering line? When I go to the gym, I use a rope that I haven't used outside in a long time. I guess I figure I'm never going to be more than like 3 feet from the bolt, and of course, if the rope did fail, that pea gravel is a lot more forgiving than most landings outside!
  8. I'm curious about your report of "rope failure". I understand it was not the gym's rope. Did someone snap a rope on a lead fall at VW? If so, any more details? If not, what happened? [ 02-26-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  9. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: And one other thing...I been climbin since I was a freshman in high school, and I've seen more people get hurt in the gym in the last two years than I have seen in all that time. [...] Gym climbing is not much safer than climbing outside. Lambone, I have a questionnaire for you: 1. Are you stating above that it is dangerous to go climbing in a climbing gym? 2. Are you implying that, in specific, the Vertical World in Seattle is a dangerous place to climb? Chuck
  10. chucK

    Magic Trick

    With Caveman? At the Ice Caves?
  11. chucK

    Magic Trick

    Perhaps climbing NF of Index with Mattp?
  12. What I would suggest would be to wait until July and get CASH back, then you can do what you want with it. But...if that dividend is burnig a hole in your little pocket I have checked through the catalog and have these suggestions (These items are actually featured in the catalog. I am not making these up.) A North Face Duffel Bag (on sale) only $100 SealLine Waterproof Electronic Gear Cases GSI Vortex Blender (travel blender!)to go with your$120 Coleman Stainless-Steel Cooler finally, you reall need a Snow Peak Titanium Spork, only $11 I'm so glad that REI Coop is looking after my desires to keep climbing gear available. Chuck
  13. quote: Originally posted by offwidthclimber: seriously, those who maintain a number of different avatars are lame. spray under one name or don't spray at all! fuck... Hey Caveman!!! Hear that! He called you lame! You should put OWclimer on yer list too [ 02-22-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  14. Dude, just sneak out for a little while. That Nickerson place is real close to VW.
  15. Pro is good. Gear from micro stoppers to #4 Camalot and a dozen draws should suffice. We did not rap the slab because rapping is the most dangerous part of climbing!!!! We did the walk off up then left. Chuck [ 02-17-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  16. And by the way? Is Caveman a punk rock hero? Has Caveman climbed the Nose in a day or written lots of cool instructional books? Could Caveman do an "El Cap Day" at the rock? Have Henry, Largo or Coach posted more than 3000 times to this site? I think not. You guys are way off.
  17. Coach is cool. You guys should try dissing him to his face. It is much less weaselly and usually won't get you hurt. Chuck
  18. I was there (Index) with a lurker .Very nice and sunny, warm even at the Country. This site is working well for picking up partners. I think I'm 2 for 3 now. You guys should try it out.
  19. Hey, Anybody wanna/canna get out tomorrow? I was thinking Index or maybe the Tooth. I don't got no snowshoes though, so probably Index. PM or email me, Chuck
  20. Hey! Anybody wanna/canna get out tomorrow? I was thinking Index or the Tooth. But, I don't have snowshoes or AT gear so the Tooth would probably not work unless you can loan me something of the sort. Email or PM me! Let's climb! Chuck
  21. chucK


    Doesn't that involve having backcountry certification or something like that at Alpental? If not, I might be up for it. Oops, just read Mattp's post, maybe not. [ 02-14-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  22. As for reeling in slack: If the climber is tumbling down some slab or bouncing down some face by all means pull in as much slack as you can. The time when you don't want to pull in slack iswhen the climber falls out and away from the rock.When they eventually hit the rope they'll pendulum into the wall. It will happen at greater speed if radius of the pendulum (length of rope between the climber and bolt) is shorter.
  23. Hey Mike! Thanks for all the good posts. So did you guys call those Ptarmigan Ridge guys back or not?
  24. quote: Originally posted by dan e: The worst feeling on friction is what I call the "dreaded crunchies", this is when you put your foot on a small crystal of rock that literally crumbles under your foot! What about the way the grit slowly builds up on your shoes, step by step, analogous to snow balling up on your crampons? That can get unnerving.
  25. I second (or third or fourth or whatever) the notion to not give up when you start sliding. Well, I guess if you're a dirtbag climber who'd rather sacrifice his/her skin ['cause, like, it'll grow back dude] to save expensive shoe rubber, then I'd say just get in the butt slide position. If you do the butt-slide, make sure you know where your car keys are! But anyway, back to the point of the controlled slide. One day after many pitches at Three O'Clock Rock we were enjoying the post-climb festivities below Silent Running. In our hiking shoes we started "bouldering" that easy finger crack at the base. After messing around with it a little I found I was able to glissade on the slab [backward in the "cat" position]. I found I could keep myself at a reasonable speed and somewhat direct myself over to a less steep spot where I could stop myself. I haven't yet duplicated this feat with rock shoes, but it appears from the anecdotes posted above that it is possible. Anyway, one day after climbing at Exfoliation Dome I was descending the granite sidewalk with two other guys. That thing can get pretty intimidating if you've got hiking boots on and you get the "fear". Anyway, I'm relating my "controlled slide" theories to these guys and I'm glad I did because I guess I got one of them thinking enough to induce the "fear" so he gave me his beer! [someone only brought two beers for the three of us and I was previously the odd man out]. Right on!
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