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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/23 in all areas

  1. Besides renowned Choss Dawg Jason, the other dude is Doug Payne (RIP), one of the most solid guys I ever roped up with. Funny story- On our first attempt at this climb, after a torrid approach, we woke at the bivy site to unexpected clouds and the threat of afternoon T-storms. Not liking that prospect we opted to go over the Goode/Stormking col, scout the descent, and out via Park Creek. (NPS shuttle, bus, and bakery) We ascended snow to just below the col and Doug took the sharp end up the final gulley to the top. There he is, like 80' off the deck with barely any meaningful protection, trying to pick his way up a particularly ugly section. Rocks were raining down, Doug was muttering quietly to himself and occasionally cursing out loud; making no progress. It didn't look that hard, and I was surprised that he seemed a bit rattled. He made it, of course, and when it was my turn to follow I was shocked at what a nasty, downsloping rotten mess that section was. I was creeped out even on toprope.
    2 points
  2. Yeah; a bus ride with bakery stop sounds way better. Fun route for sure!
    2 points
  3. That photo of the Needles is unreal, so good. Thanks for sharing such quality photos again and again!
    1 point
  4. I mean I just represent one small opinion, and that is all it is, and I don't belong to a mysterious public sector cabal of elites, but I don't mind having one place in this country where there are no roads and the trails are faint or even in disrepair....like untouched wilderness as much as that is possible these days. I'm not saying that is the mission of the US Park service, but just my personal opinion it isn't a bad thing. It isn't a religion for me, but there are lots of trails and roads that are maintained elsewhere. I don't mind one park where it is just a wild vast. But I understand that isn't for everyone...thats why its just my opinion.....man. I'm not speaking, of course, to any actual disfunction or failure of the Park Service to do its mission, whatever that may be in this particular case. In a personal sense, I think that would me I could bring my dog into the area, which he would like. Would be interested in specific examples and implications of what the USFS or State of WA do better, and how that would benefit the NCNP land beyond maintaining trails and roads.
    1 point
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