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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/23 in all areas

  1. I miss cold snow already
    1 point
  2. Trip: Snoqualmie - NY Gully Trip Date: 03/30/2023 Trip Report: Kyle Tarry and Andy Traylor joined me for NY Gully Thursday 3/30. Enough has been written about the route over the years so I'll just say it was a fun time with good guys and share some conditions... Skinning up from Alpental was a little icy in the AM but the old swiped out tracks were nice for the descent in the PM. Fair bit of snow on route, especially the first two pitches and the exit pitches. Snow had a crust and was not supporting weight super well though we made it work. Made digging for pro a little difficult. There was ice but it was thin. We tried to place two stubbies all route and they both bottomed out. Turf was mostly good to swing into. Crux is mostly ice free. We did not do any rappelling but did two exposed snow traverse pitches to get off from the top of the crux pitch. Now what you all wanted... Photos! Pitch 1, snow on rock Pitch 2, more snow on rock Andy follows P2 Kyle on P2 chimney Views Start of P3 "box gully" Andy and Kyle following box gully/P3 P4 pictures, long 60m rope stretcher to base of crux, runout in places, snow covered slab at the end. Crux pitch - P5 Andy is actually on snow here, last of two traverse pitches to get off, traversed right over and up into trees. Gear Notes: Lots of beta on the interwebs, all seems to be about right. Definitely can't sew it up except for the crux which takes great gear. Approach Notes: Skis
    1 point
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