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So if you were woken up by Conny in only his smoking robe and boots you would normally be a bit startled. They are mocking that by showing him being the one startled by a women in a pink robe awakening him. Over the entire campaign is a little ridiculous. It was funny the first time - now a little like beating a dead horse.

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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:

I always considered myself as a walking penalty waiting to happen. Isnt the whole intent of hockey to beat your opponents into bloody pulps anyways

Only if you win. "You can't score goals if youre in the box"...If they make Hockey CoEd though, I'd definitely draft Tonya Harding for my team, that girl knows how to hit.

I mean, think back about 5 years, the Canucks were the biggest strongest team in the league, but lost a bunch of games because they couldn't score. Then they got Pavel and nearly got the Cup. and now look at em - big & strong, lots of scorers, but a huge gaping hole where the goalie should be. Oh well another .500 season I bet.

PS I won a Seattle mariners poster by shopping at the L'worthless Safeway if anybody wants it let me know.


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I understand about the ad campaign, Koflach's are so comfy you wear them while lounging around the house.....that's not the question.

Texplorer - If Conrad is sleeping why does he have a Tecate in his hand? That is called passing out, not sleeping.

Dru - Go Red Wings!!

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I was the stick boy for the girls team at University. Had to do massages after the game for tired muscles in the Locker Room. Only problem was in the playoffs they stopped shaving just like guy hockey players do.

Oh hell, who Am I kidding. I wasn't the stick boy. I did do the full monty for their victory celebration though!

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