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Park Fees


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Personally, I'd pay $5.00 a day to go to Peshastin or Index, but I'd hope that they would then set up Index with a nice bathroom and some picnic tables, or maybe maintain the trails, because it would bug me to pay the fee and get nothing for it.


By the way, Trask, do you think Gary Locke is some kind of liberal? With democrats like that, who needs republicans?

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"I love politicians"


That's an interesting group to blame. We're the ones who keep voting to cut taxes and expect more services. Maybe Locke's budget-cutting plan wasn't exactly what you (or I) would have designed, but it's hard to see where the money's going to come from to pay for all the benefits we continue to demand from government -- like free parks, subsidized ferries, smaller class sizes, more police, longer prison sentences, road maintenance, subsizided stadiums for the local professional football teams...

Oh right, "waste, fraud and mismanagement." That should cover it.

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I guess you assumed that I am expecting all of these sevices. I think that we (as a state and nation) do way too much and pay excessively for it. Yes, I usually do vote for tax cuts, but I also vote against new programs and eveything else that costs money, like the whole stadium debacle. I do not think ferries should be subsidized, it is your choice to live where you want, and if you can't afford to take the ferry across the sound to get to work, they you should find a new place to live. I don't need free parks, I am willing to pay a user fee, if it is reasonable and the money stays with the parks. I would pay the $35 for a yearly parking pass to the parks, or $5 a day. IF the money is going to stay with the parks. Why should I pay a fee to the parks that is going to pay for keeping someone in prison, or to build a new stadium. And I do agree that there is waste and all that crap, but it is everywhere, in private corporations, and government. I think private corporations have done a better job of cleaning up because they have shareholders to make happy.


sorry for the rant, but these are a few of my thoughts.


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"I think private corporations have done a better job of cleaning up because they have shareholders to make happy."


I guess this is ultimately a matter of opposing faiths, but I've worked in enough private corporations (Boeing and Aetna, in particular) to assure you that the waste there is on a level that would make a government bureaucrat (or boss Tweed) blush.


Back on the subject of parking fees, I remember a few years ago they were discussing charging admission to the Folklife festival, until they ran the numbers and discovered that it would take an admissions charge of $4 (if memory serves) just to cover the cost of charging admission. Once admissions fees are instituted, whether they're cost-effective or not, they become perpetual, and they can never be reduced. All they'll do is piss off people who feel like they already pay for the resource (trail parking permits, anyone?) and people who don't mind paying but don't have the cash on hand (my usual response to parking meters) and encourage people to demand more services (like mattp) for the money. And, keep out the few who truely can't afford the parking costs.



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Parks Finance Page


Parking fees as in most user fees are a fraud! The State has a history of not meeting its commitments with regard to them. The use of user fees has resulted the state having an interest in maintaining a budgetary state of crisis. The above link has lots of great info. I suggest everyone take the time to read the fiancial info.

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