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FU Kathleen Sebelius would be more appropriate - this was not Obama's decision to make. That power falls to his Secretary of Health and Human Services, as it should.


Sebelius is, otherwise, a strongly and very actively pro choice and a supporter of Planned Parenthood, despite her Catholic faith. She has been denied communion and suffered a lot of other retribution from her church because of her substantive pro choice actions, particularly as governor of one of our most conservative states, Kansas.


All things in context.


It's unclear, at least to me, why this otherwise staunch defender of the rights of women (and the LGBT community) took this decision. In any case, she may well be overruled by the court...again.


Stay tuned.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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FU Kathleen Sebelius would be more appropriate - this was not Obama's decision to make. That power falls to his Secretary of Health and Human Services, as it should.


A good point, however Obama was pretty clear in his re-election campaign that he doesn't think younger teenagers should have access to emergency contraception, so I don't think it's fair to take him off the hook here although I guess it's also unfair to be surprised by his administration's actions. Sebelius works for Obama, not the other way around, so I'm not sure I agree that this wasn't Obama's decision to make. Clearly, he holds authority over his cabinet members.


Also, the Justice Department is also appealing this, so that's two cabinet members under Obama's administration pulling this shit. Either he's in agreement, or he's lost control of the Executive Branch -- either case pisses me off.


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FU Kathleen Sebelius would be more appropriate - this was not Obama's decision to make. That power falls to his Secretary of Health and Human Services, as it should.


Sebelius is, otherwise, a strongly and very actively pro choice and a supporter of Planned Parenthood, despite her Catholic faith. She has been denied communion and suffered a lot of other retribution from her church because of her substantive pro choice actions, particularly as governor of one of our most conservative states, Kansas.


All things in context.


It's unclear, at least to me, why this otherwise staunch defender of the rights of women (and the LGBT community) took this decision. In any case, she may well be overruled by the court...again.


Stay tuned.


Don't you know Rob, Obama can do no wrong!

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FU Kathleen Sebelius would be more appropriate - this was not Obama's decision to make. That power falls to his Secretary of Health and Human Services, as it should.


A good point, however Obama was pretty clear in his re-election campaign that he doesn't think younger teenagers should have access to emergency contraception, so I don't think it's fair to take him off the hook here although I guess it's also unfair to be surprised by his administration's actions. Sebelius works for Obama, not the other way around, so I'm not sure I agree that this wasn't Obama's decision to make. Clearly, he holds authority over his cabinet members.


Also, the Justice Department is also appealing this, so that's two cabinet members under Obama's administration pulling this shit. Either he's in agreement, or he's lost control of the Executive Branch -- either case pisses me off.


You make a couple of good points here. Obama has endorsed Sebelius's direction publicly - and may well have influenced it - hell, he may have had a come to Jebus meeting with her at some point on the topic. I just thought to make the point that Sebelius is a) ultimately responsible for the appeal (she's working with the DOJ - that's where the lawyers are) and b) is otherwise a pretty damn good friend to civil liberties - one who has fought the good fight at some personal cost to herself.


Was the decision probably politically motivated? Birth control as a political football? Here in the good ole science-based, civil rights respecting US of A?

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Oh man, I'm already several levels out of my pay grade here.


I PREDICT...the earth will get warmer.


So much of decisions like this depend on the individual judges involved. Off the cuff, I'd say the last minute, obviously political nature of the appeal doesn't help it any, but it's a wacky world out there. Sometimes waiting until the last minute helps your case - it gives the other side less time to respond before the next deadline rolls around.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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