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the shooter


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The Honey Boo Boo mother actually took all the money and put it in a trust and invested it; they aren't rolling around in a Lambo. The only stupid ones are those watching it.


If you think our serviceman not getting any benefits after almost 12 years of war is an outrage, write a letter to your congressman/women asking them to change the military retirement benefits to reflect what we have put these guys through.

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Been there, done that.


Unless there'a a concerted letter writing campaign that aggregates a bunch of like minded messages in a well timed salvo (when a bill is being debated, etc) the sad fact is that writing your congressman is pretty much a waste of time. Like all politics, its a numbers/timing game.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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After seeing Zero Dark Thirty the other night and reading the Esquire article I can understand why the shooter came out, because the narrative of how Bin Laden was exactly killed was not correct. I don't think he is looking for recognition due to the fact he didn't even tell the President he was the shooter. I believe his sentiments about not getting any benefits after 16 years of service, 10 of which have been in constant battle, are justified, it's not the same as 20 years of being in mainly non-combat role like being a chef or dentist (not to degrade these essential support positions), but at the same time I don't understand why he just didn't tough it out for 4 years and get a non-combat role job like most serviceman do who are finishing their careers. That said, a lot of these guys incredibly don't have very high rank at careers end considering their skill level and combat experience, so their pension is relatively small and it might be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when your life at home is falling apart.

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