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Personality Matters


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Okay, you doofs are wasting the day away, so I would like to conduct a survey. Twenty years ago I would have put no stock in personality profiles. After taking a few tests, and also using them as mgt tools for others, I find that they are usually accurate and pretty damn interesting. Many of the tests are done using the Myers-Briggs 16-personality category sorter. So my question is, for those of you who have taken it, what are you?


There is a sorter online I believe at keirsey.com


Edit: Here's a better one: Jung-Myers-Briggs


BTW, I am described as an ENTJ.

Edited by RobBob
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Those damn personality tests with only two answers for every question are awful. Dr. Flash Amazing can't stand trying to shoehorn his personality into either this or that. They need a "Maybe" answer for every question.


i agree. some of their supplied answers didn't really fit what i would have said off of the top of my head. and some of them i had a really difficult time choosing between. but anyway ... "Rational (NT)" ... analytical - that's definitely me. and apparently i'm "very scarce". hmm. too bad we can't see the rest of the temperament reports without paying! confused2.gif

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Maybe. But even the summary was pretty far off in a few areas. DFA took a similar test in highschool, and it turned out he was extroverted and introverted, among other contradicting results. While those tests might nail down a basic framework of ones personality, in the Doctor's experience, they fall flat overall.


Interestingly, the Doctor has gotten at least as accurate an appraisal of his personality (if not more so) from an astrology book; another system in which DFA puts little or no stock.


Ho hum ... wonder if Caveman has threatened to kick the test creator's ass yet?

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See, the "Idealist" title fit the Doctor pretty well. But the description of the idealist was all about that personality type being on a constant mission for self-improvement; inspiring others to better themselves, etc. The only thing Dr. Flash Amazing probably ever inspired anyone to do was bitch about stuff and maybe go climbing.

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TLG, go get a copy of that Please Understand Me from B&N or someplace cheap. Probably less than $10. It contains the test for the whole profile, as well as detailed descriptions of each of the 16 profiles. I guarantee that you will get a kick out of figuring out the profiles of parents, friends, etc. as well as reading your own.


I wouldn't have posted the link if I'd have realized the full test wasn't there for free. Maybe I can find a different test online that is free...

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i not *that* interested, greg w, but thanks anyway. flowerface.gif


and dr. fucking amazing ... you kill me! spin2.gif


i did find a little more descriptive page on that website to describe the rational. among the four types of rationals, i'm sure i'm one of two particular ones but i'm not sure which one. do let us know if you find a more complete test ...

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