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Merry Chritmas


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I hope the kids are doing ok in all this... Good luck, Sobo.
I'm doing my best to keep this away from the kids. But I have no idea what she's telling them, though. I called the kids around noon yesterday...


"Hi guys! Merry Christmas! Did Santa bring you lots of stuff?"

"Yeah, lotsa cool stuff, but how come you're not here? We miss you. When are we gonna see you?"

"Well, I don't really know. Your mom and I haven't got that worked out yet."


WTF am I supposed to say? You can't tell them the real truth, that their BSC mother refuses to bring them to me, or that she refuses to give them to me if I drive up there and park myself in her driveway. All that's left to me is to bring litigation against her. And that makes me the bad guy...


Got an email reply from her last night. Now she says I'm just doing this to get revenge. Nooooooooooo, it's to get some justice and equitability, since you're incapable of doing that on your own. And she "says" she'll bring them down this Thursday, if I can believe that. Yeah, right... :rolleyes: THURSDAY, ferchrissakes!!! Jeezus H Christ...


WORST... CHRISTMAS... EVER...!!! :anger:

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I feel for you man. I've had my share of dealing with crazy ex's as well.


You might want to remember that this site is open to the public and making threats on a public forum against your ex wife isn't going to sit well with the judge. Especially if you are asking him for favors.


I completely understand where you are coming from however, toning it down on these boards might serve you better in the long run.


Hope things work out well for you.

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Anyway, I'm not a lawyer or anything but from my past experience with this kind of thing you'd be best to dot your I's and cross your T's while remaining on your best behavior. I know I don't need to tell you how good women like this are at playing the victim and playing their sympathy cards to the courts while at the same time being cold calculating bitches.


Stay cool Sobo. It'll serve you and your kid's better in the long run. Sorry the Holiday was less than stellar for you.

Edited by KirkW
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Anyone that knows me or has been around me will tell you that I'm a very unassuming, reserved, pragmatic and practical individual. I am dealing with the antithesis of that. It is quite frustrating for a person of my ilk, who follows the rule of law and expects others to do the same, to deal with someone who does not embody these same values...

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It is quite frustrating for a person of my ilk, who follows the rule of law and expects others to do the same, to deal with someone who does not embody these same values...


Tell me about it! You have no idea how much I can sympathize with your situation Sobo. I wasn't even married to my last partner (together 6 years though) but she still managed to get me into a court room after I caught her sleeping with our room mate. Somehow she got it in her head that this was my fault and, as punishment, I should have to give her all my property and move into my car. She timed this perfectly so that I was without a vehicle at that particular moment and then told a judge that I threatened her despite not even having talked with her for weeks. This effectively made me homeless.


In the end the judge saw it my way and she didn't get a single thing from me but that didn't stop her from causing me a whole lot of head ache and drama. I hear that she still feels completely justified in doing what she did to this day. I am so fortunate that we didn't have kids. I can't even imagine what my life would be like if I still had to deal with that disgusting excuse for a human being. I took my dog and she kept the cats. Fair enough.


You cannot trust a woman like this to do anything but that which serves her own self interests. Hurting you is obviously her goal. Don't play her games.


Oh...and before this thread gets shipped to the counseling corner...




Happy Holiday!

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Don't you guys have a parenting plan? You should totally sue.
Yes, rob, we most certainly do. If you have kids, you can't finalize your divorce in this state without one. She just doesn't want to follow it. It says that she gets the kids from the day they get out of school for winter break until 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day. Then I get them from 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day until 5 p.m. the night before they go back to school after winter break. It alternates every year. She doesn't think that I should have the kids that long. It's stuck in her head that way. That's why I'm taking this to court. It has gone on this way for two years now. I'm just plain sick and tired of dealing with her shit. It's like I never really got divorced...
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Jezzus Paul. I am so freakin' sorry to hear that you are going through this shiest. I could not imagine not being with my daughter on Christmas. You kinda hope that people can put their animosity and grudges aside on a day like Christmas for the sake of their children.

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I caught her sleeping with our room mate.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. Many times over...

she got it in her head that this was my fault and, as punishment, I should have to give her all my property
I know EXACTLY how you feel.

but that didn't stop her from causing me a whole lot of head ache and drama.
I know EXACTLY how you feel.

she still feels completely justified in doing what she did to this day.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. They both will until they each take their last breath. It is part and parcel of their disorder.

I am so fortunate that we didn't have kids.
Yes, you truly are.

I can't even imagine what my life would be like if I still had to deal with that disgusting excuse for a human being.
Trust me, you have no idea... And I have at least another 11 years of dealing with this "human being" until my youngest reaches age 18. There are people in Walla Walla doing less hard time than me.

You cannot trust a woman like this to do anything but that which serves her own self interests.
I know EXACTLY what you're saying. I haven't trusted this woman for years. She is incapable of telling the truth, unless it somehow benefits her particular situation or advances her objectives at the time. I have come to the conclusion that if her lips are moving, she is lying.

Hurting you is obviously her goal
Yes, it is, despite all of her protestations to the contrary. Her actions speak far louder than her words.

Don't play her games.
I do not intend to any longer. I've been the victim of that for far too long. Hence, my sicking the attorney on her. Rule of Law...
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Don't you guys have a parenting plan? You should totally sue.
Yes, rob, we most certainly do. If you have kids, you can't finalize your divorce in this state without one. She just doesn't want to follow it. It says that she gets the kids from the day they get out of school for winter break until 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day. Then I get them from 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day until 5 p.m. the night before they go back to school after winter break. It alternates every year. She doesn't think that I should have the kids that long. It's stuck in her head that way. That's why I'm taking this to court. It has gone on this way for two years now. I'm just plain sick and tired of dealing with her shit. It's like I never really got divorced...


I don't get it, my lawyer told me that if my ex-wife ever refused to follow the parenting plan (i.e. not hand the kids over) to call the police, and show them a copy of the parenting plan. Did you call the cops?


I hate your ex

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Don't you guys have a parenting plan? You should totally sue.
Yes, rob, we most certainly do. If you have kids, you can't finalize your divorce in this state without one. She just doesn't want to follow it. It says that she gets the kids from the day they get out of school for winter break until 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day. Then I get them from 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day until 5 p.m. the night before they go back to school after winter break. It alternates every year. She doesn't think that I should have the kids that long. It's stuck in her head that way. That's why I'm taking this to court. It has gone on this way for two years now. I'm just plain sick and tired of dealing with her shit. It's like I never really got divorced...
I don't get it, my lawyer told me that if my ex-wife ever refused to follow the parenting plan (i.e. not hand the kids over) to call the police, and show them a copy of the parenting plan. Did you call the cops?
Yes, of course, I most certainly did - immediately. I drove over to her mother's house here in Kennewick, where the exchange was supposed to take place, and no one answered the door. So I made my call to the KPD, and they told me that even if they reviewed my Parenting Plan (which I had with me, JIC), they could really do nothing. KPD also told me that if I drove to Poulsbo and called PPD, that they would tell me the same thing.


The KPD detective that took my complaint told me that LEO does not have the authority, without a court order signed by a judge, to remove the kids from the ex and release them to me. That's not LEO's job - that's DSHS/CPS's responsibility. And I understand it's an extremely traumatic event for all involved. The PD is there to intervene/prevent any violence (gunfire, machetes, dynamite, etc.) that the ex might atempt to perpetrate upon you.


So as I understand it, you call the PD via 911 to file a complaint (it registers a date & time stamp to prove that you were there at the appointed time for the exchange), but even if the PD comes out and reviews your parenting plan, the PD can't make her turn the kids over to me. So I'm waiting for my attorney's office to open tomorrow morning, and we'll file a contempt of court complaint against her, and see where it goes from there.

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good luck, sobo. I'd like to believe that everybody will eventually get what's coming to them in some form of mystic karma bullshit and that your ex will eventually get some rare form of vagina cancer or something, but unfortunately I know that's not how the world works. She sounds like a real piece of shit.



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OH! And did I mention that she called me while I was driving from my house to her mother's house just minutes before the exchange? To tell me that she and the kids weren't there? So that I would learn, just moments before I was supposed to have my kids on Christmas Day, that they were over 250 miles and a ferry ride away and it would be nigh impossible for me to see them on Christmas Day? Do you think that might have been more by design, and not a casual oversight?


If she knew she wasn't going to have the kids in the Tri-Cities on Christmas morning, she had to have known that when she was sitting on her ass in Poulsbo the night before. So why do you suppose she didn't pick up the phone and tell me that the night before, instead of 10 minutes before I was supposed to pick up the kids? Hmmm???


Yeah, a real piece of shit, all right.

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"Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. There was no bottom."




"Sometimes you eat the bar & sometimes he eats you."


"The Dude abides."


Hang in there, Sobo. Someday we will meet and I can share my living hell experience over a beer or three. Fer now, the bar is still eat'n me...




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