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By all means, continue waging the Battle For Dank Buds. Having some experience in an area with the most permissive marijuana laws in the country, I can tell you, it's cool too be able to walk a block or two and get a big 'ol slice of chemo-strength 7-Up Cake, but I'm not too worried about coming up with something to say when my grandchildren ask me what I did in the Ganja Wars.


Yeah, ending the War on Drugs, systemic racism in the criminal justice system and the highest incarceration rate in the world...it's all about keeping Harold and Kumar happy.


Strategic reform and the long game...hard for some folk to get their heads around.


Now rocks....



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Youse guys are trying hard (and failing) to find something to get worked up over. Lets all go protest wallstreet or something like that which will actually DO some good. In fact, perhaps we specifically should protest Kodaks share performance and plunge?


Perhaps they shouldn't have left the film developing and mfg business? We could protest that? We'll all buy a single share and crash the annual company meeting. Ivan can do the Gordon Gecko speech. Prole can be the Charlie Sheen dude.




As this picture indicates, I'm feeling good here.



We'llThe Israelis will be attacking Iran and gas prices will triple. I've got an ounce of gold bet that gas hits $5.00 an ounce by the end of 2012. Sometimes you have to go for win-lose. It's a win-lose bet no question. Let protest the bullshit that's about to erupt. Hmmm, not sure how to protest something non-existent.....Side note, don't let your kids join the navy. Air force is good.


ohhh ohhh uhhh, here it is here it is.....how about we protest Guantanamo Bay incarcerations? .........Nah, who gives a shit - right?


Well, you'll find something I'm sure. Keep up the good work fellas. 1E5C_4E713634.gif



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