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The U.S. Soccer Federation thinks the election of President Barack Obama will help persuade FIFA to award the 2018 or 2022 World Cup to the United States.


“Given everything that, frankly, President Obama has said, everything he stands for, everything he’s talked about in terms of reaching out to the world,” U.S. Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati said Monday, “that trying to bring the global game to the United States and opening our borders up for a festival of 32 countries and hundreds of thousands of people from all corners of the world would be viewed in a very positive way.”




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jeesh You're sounding like J_B with the personal attacks ya jack booted thug! I will just remind you that while Obama vacationed in style wildlife was dying in the Gulf. Here is a more down to earth world leader who is not afraid to care for those who can't care for themselves:


  Peter_Puget said:
jeesh You're sounding like J_B with the personal attacks ya jack booted thug!


let it be clear that I haven't attacked anyone who didn't attack me. Piss Poor acts as if he were white as snow but he has a long history of red baiting on this site.

  j_b said:
  Peter_Puget said:
jeesh You're sounding like J_B with the personal attacks ya jack booted thug!


let it be clear that I haven't attacked anyone who didn't attack me. Piss Poor acts as if he were white as snow but he has a long history of red baiting on this site.


So you don't deny attacking me...since you're being honest try stepping up to the plate and admit that if you didnt have commie sympathies you would never rise to the bait!


Being tired of goosestepping fucks like you who demonize the left and destroy lives like Joe McCarthy did in the 50's is having "Commie sympathies"? You fucking moron!

  Peter_Puget said:
jeesh You're sounding like J_B with the personal attacks ya jack booted thug! I will just remind you that while Obama vacationed in style wildlife was dying in the Gulf. Here is a more down to earth world leader who is not afraid to care for those who can't care for themselves:



Peter likes "strong men" who get things done.


Putin/Palin for the 2012 Republican Party Nomination!

  j_b said:
Being tired of goosestepping fucks like you who demonize the left and destroy lives like Joe McCarthy did in the 50's is having "Commie sympathies"? You fucking moron!



Irony thy name is J_B.


Any one else notice J_B calls me a red baiter in a thread in which I have posted pictures of Putin and called him (Putin) both strong and sensitive? J_B calls me a "Fucking moron."


  Peter_Puget said:
  j_b said:
Being tired of goosestepping fucks like you who demonize the left and destroy lives like Joe McCarthy did in the 50's is having "Commie sympathies"? You fucking moron!



Irony thy name is J_B.


Any one else notice J_B calls me a red baiter in a thread in which I have posted pictures of Putin and called him (Putin) both strong and sensitive? J_B calls me a "Fucking moron."


We did notice...but you're still a fucking moron.


Forget it Tvash you'll always be a second rate J_B - hell you can't even climb - J_B has created an entirely new subversive dialect! He has cleverly changed the meaning of the epithet "Fascist Thug" (and a seemingly endless number of variants)from an insult to a term of endearment. It'sd use on cc.com is rampant. Even that arch hippie/lefty Offwhite gets into the act these days. Whats even more amazing is the boys down at the beer gardens climbing gyms are starting to adopt J_B's dialect.


Wow, wow, don't muck it all up by being inaccurate. I rarely say 'fascist thug' but I do use 'thug' and 'fascistic' quite often independently, which is to be expected considering a) the very common abusive and violent personalities trait found in right wing nincompoops on the internet, and b) the long history of political repression suffered by the left at the hands of extremist McCarthyite like yourself.

  Peter_Puget said:
The U.S. Soccer Federation thinks the election of President Barack Obama will help persuade FIFA to award the 2018 or 2022 World Cup to the United States.


“Given everything that, frankly, President Obama has said, everything he stands for, everything he’s talked about in terms of reaching out to the world,” U.S. Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati said Monday, “that trying to bring the global game to the United States and opening our borders up for a festival of 32 countries and hundreds of thousands of people from all corners of the world would be viewed in a very positive way.”





I don't know about you, but I'm thinking about traveling to Chicago to see the Olympics!

  j_b said:
Wow, wow, don't muck it all up by being inaccurate. I rarely say 'fascist thug' but I do use 'thug' and 'fascistic' quite often independently, which is to be expected considering a) the very common abusive and violent personalities trait found in right wing nincompoops on the internet, and b) the long history of political repression suffered by the left at the hands of extremist McCarthyite like yourself.



Psssssst! Hey j_b, n-o-b-o-d-y c-a-r-e-s.


The evidence shows that you morons hardly ever stop talking about me so either you all want to be like me or I really got under your skins. Whichever, is quite fine by me. Keep it up retards.

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