erik Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 lets just start the ultimate battlecage......bring in whoever you want for whatever reason!!!!! drul and caveman sitting in ledge k.i.s.s.i.n.g. 1st comes loves, then comes marriage then one really ugly lookin offwidth baby rollin down the trail in a 4x4 baby carriage! Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 Is it a subaru outback wagon 4x4? The mounty wagon Quote
erik Posted August 16, 2001 Author Posted August 16, 2001 dru, why do they call them mounties? is that cause if they bust you they mount you? Quote
jon Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 Who had the baby? From the sounds of it Caveman could be capable of it. Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 I had a baby in the toilet! It looks so much like Drul! Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 Drul plopping out like mad! [This message has been edited by Cpt.Caveman (edited 08-16-2001).] Quote
Beck Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 cavey too cool animatronics! I would like to spray MYSELF right into the battle cage, Beck you are a limp fisted lamebrain head jamming marmot buggering poor pro placing excuse for a climber who can hardly even climb up a ladder to repace your own burnt out bulb! Even Teddy Ruxpin won't climb with you!! And a loser, baby!!! Quote
erik Posted August 16, 2001 Author Posted August 16, 2001 beck, plus you drink that light beer shit. what gives grandma? Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 Beck we need to train you in the ways of hostility and sin! First you guzzle as much alcohol as you can until you get really dizzy. Then slug some more until you black out just to make sure. Then you come on the internet and instult everyone mutliple times Once you complete this phase (Phase 1) then let us know so I can hand out phase 2. [This message has been edited by Cpt.Caveman (edited 08-16-2001).] Quote
Dru Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 Hey she-boys sorry you are jealous of Canada. I'm trying to by a Subaru wagon right now. Cap'n when you are done pimping Eriks skinny ass you can take Adamson's head and stick it up your... and that goes double for lambone. At least that guy shaves the gerbil first though. Beck isn't that short for Rebecca? Cause no offense I heard short is really applicable to you. When are you having the operation? Jon and Tim this site you are running makes small children run and cry. aren't you ashamed? Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 quote: Originally posted by Dru: Hey she-boys sorry you are jealous of Canada. I'm trying to by a Subaru wagon right now. Cap'n when you are done pimping Eriks skinny ass you can take Adamson's head and stick it up your... and that goes double for lambone. At least that guy shaves the gerbil first though. Beck isn't that short for Rebecca? Cause no offense I heard short is really applicable to you. When are you having the operation? Jon and Tim this site you are running makes small children run and cry. aren't you ashamed? I pimped E Dog for a pack of smokes to Jman. He'll be back in a week for ya. Adamson is on his way up there to duke it out with ya! Jon Tim I killed them Erik and I are now the moderators! I will bomb your subaru into a smoldering pile of ashes upon sight Quote
Beck Posted August 16, 2001 Posted August 16, 2001 Yeah, I climb in drag sometimes, that's why I posted about the woman's shell, first hand should see what's hanging from my harness... Yeah, my secret's out, it is Rebecca and I'm getting the operation soon... I was sick and tired of thinking I was a lesbian trapped in a man's body, I always want to eat pussy or hang out with naked chicks and a bottle of coconut oil in the tent when every one else is out in the blizzard... the Doctors told me to drink Olympia and Shmidts exclusively to start working on my girly figure to help the hormones work easier... first they need to go in and replace my brain with a pea, they said snafflehound brain was too much of a step up and it could foul the sex change holding, so if you see Teddy Ruxpin tell him I'll be better soon!! Quote
erik Posted August 16, 2001 Author Posted August 16, 2001 beck, drul sent me a link stating that if you insert harold robbin's book on tape teddy ruxpin will get down and dirty. just think of the possibilites, though you might want to find a n ac/dc converter for him and sno seal his fur! Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 Beck you can even eat Teddy's dingleberries with some yellow soup Just was it down with some Kanga Brew and voila. Don't forget to share with Drul! Quote
Jman Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 Alright, now my name's been dragged into this!.... Cavey and Office Spice have got a steamy affair goin' on with themselves like that Penis Puller dude. Circle K is intimidated by Becky's burly lambchops. Lamboner whines that he can't be more like a real climber being stuck in that lame-ass gym wearing a leotard, and all. Drul - well shoot, he's a canook, need I say more? mattp is a wuss for not being able to deal with negativity, because you CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!, er spray - same thing, right? Erika? what a baby! And allthumbs,... well he just can't get a grip! - not his fault that he's... well, you know... You all can just kiss off! I tired all of this worthless whining and bs. So much negativity and yelling and threats and, and... I'm never coming back to this site again. Never. Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 Jman I hear you are getting some lyposuction and plastic surgery to enhance your looks to the likes of "The artist formerly known as prince"! Or was it this dude ?! [This message has been edited by Cpt.Caveman (edited 08-16-2001).] Quote
Jman Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 Dang it! Where'd you get the picture of my mom?! I said I'm not coming back here again and I mean it. Jon and Tim - you're both lame for not removing all the stupid posts here and all throughout this bb, for not cleaning up all this mean and nasty talk. I won't be back until everything anyone says here is nice and climbing or TR related. - AND I MEAN IT! and nobody better reply "anybody want a peanut?" Quote
Cpt.Caveman Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 Tim asked her out on a date and came up Missing in action. He is on the milk cartons in the grocery store. There have been reported sightings of him in Oregon at some ski area..... Quote
AlpineK Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 You desk jockies all suck. I drop large logs on all of you from a considerable height. I could send all of you through my chipper. Watch Fargo and see your future. My chipper is 10 times bigger than the one in the film. [This message has been edited by AlpineK (edited 08-16-2001).] Quote
erik Posted August 17, 2001 Author Posted August 17, 2001 i'll just be nice. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 08-17-2001).] Quote
EddieE Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 hi. [This message has been edited by EddieE (edited 08-17-2001).] Quote
Beck Posted August 17, 2001 Posted August 17, 2001 Smells like tropicana where I'm eating... anyone know how to get coconut oil out of a tent fly? Quote
jon Posted August 20, 2001 Posted August 20, 2001 Cpt. Kornhole you didn't kill us brutha, you killed our stunt doubles, which are being replaced with a team of evil rabid pornstar midgits that are going to come to your place and blast your backdoor in. Beck, keep hazing youself! Drul there is a cure for gynaherpaclap, maybe the kids will stop running from YOU if you get treated. The meds are cheaper in Canyukland, get them there. EazyEddieE, say it dude! You won't! You won't say it! Jman, your the offspring of the Asian Printheth? You must be really fuqen buckled! Fuqena dude, it's ok man, I understand, but YOU CAN take the bag off your head when your at home by yourself. AlpineKrapper, I'll drop squishys on you from a considerable height while Erika gives you a golden shower for your troubles. Chipper, sheat, only thing chipper was your mama after Jman/AsianPrintheth gave her a little strapon action, or is it thtrapon! Erika......keep it real dude. Quote
haireball Posted August 20, 2001 Posted August 20, 2001 lemme see, now, if I read this correctly, the purpose of this thread is to plumb the depths of crudity,!?! very well, morons! I urinate on this thread! I print the posts and use them to scrub the fecal remains from my anal orifice! I dine on sauerkraut and black beans and pass gas in your I-tent! and I leave you with this gem acquired in my mis-spent youth. Without apology to Robert Service, I give you The Korn-holing of Dan McGrew A bunch of the boys was a whoopin' it up in one o' them Yukon halls; while the kid that handled the music box was steadily scratchin' his balls. The Faro Kid had his hand on the box of the Lady known as Lou, while there on the floor, on top of a whore lay Dangerous Dan McGrew! When out of the night which was black as a bitch, and into the din and the smoke came a shaky old prick, just up from the crick, with a crusty old load in his poke! He elbowed his way throught the flea-bitten crowd with his hand at the crotch of his pants, why, he looked like a man with a dose of the clap, and the first stage of St. Vitus'dance! His britches were split, and covered with spit, and it looked like the white of an egg. His balls hung down low, and they swung to and fro every time he moved a leg! His face was as red as a baboon's ass as the passion within him burned, as he rolled out his cock to display to the flock, every asshole squirmed! Then the lights went out, and I ducked to the floor as the stranger sprang in the dark! His aim was true, and sparks even flew as his donniker found its mark! With might and main and screams of pain, a voice was heard in the room. There were sighs and groans and farts and moans and six bodies lay stacked in the gloom. Then the lights came back on, and the stranger arose with a satisfied grin on his pan, and there on the floor with his asshole tore lay pore old kornholed Dan!!! Quote
Dru Posted August 20, 2001 Posted August 20, 2001 "The lady known as Lou" Big Lou's secret's out! watch dwayner fight his way to the front of the line! Adamson never showed up in the Wack. guess the border cavity search was too much fun. Quote
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