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how long until Bristol's Baby Daddy


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When these people stop trying to legislate their morality on us, erode constitutional principles, and foist a belligerent nationalism on the rest of the world, I'll stop firing harmless missives at them from a relatively anonymous message board in an unimportant corner of the internet. I promise.

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My Friends, Sarah's story is not one that's going to end well. As the end of this campaign has highlighted, Sarah has become a bit of a monster. The clothes, the travel, the adoration of millions of vapid twits just like her has all gone to her head. Her polarizing and divisive politics and personal style has probably made her radioactive for a party that will in the coming years will be looking to reconnect with American voters. She represents the apex and the end of the old GOP way of doing things. She'll go back to Alaska where her constituency has gotten a real hard close look at what she's about: a suburban primadonna with dictatorial tendencies and an accident waiting to happen. Reelection would seem unlikely even if she sought it. Todd, the down-to-earth snowmobile racing (WTF?) hubby has probably also seen enough of this beauty queen turned Lady Macbeth and is sick of taking care of the kids. He's out of there. In order to maintain the highs she experienced during her fifty minutes of fame, Sarah will turn to speed drugs, cocaine at the beginning, harder stuff when the money starts to run out. Hard drugs make people that are already crazy go completely bat-shit. Drug-fueled helicopter wolf-hunting trips will increase and morph into all night fly-bys of small Alaskan villages using heavy machine guns. Mad ravings about Matt Damon and Katie Couric will be heard between bursts of gunfire. Her bloodlust will become legendary. She will eventually be hunted down to an isolated cabin where she's kept a heavily-armed harem of AIP henchmen fed moose-flesh, steroids and red-devils. You can guess the rest...
Holy fucking Moose shit! Thats the funniest post I've read on CCC,i sprayed coffee out my nose,had to clean my keyboard!! SNL needs a copy,thanks
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I tried to keep the family out, but... Trig will become a leader in the apocalyptic religious wars of the mid 21st century ala John Connor. Alongside Bristol, his sister-mother, they'll sweep out of the dried up ruins of the Northern oil fields riding genetically recreated sabretoothed tigers and preaching a mix of old timey religun and redistribution of the profits derived from the hydroenergy produced by the melting glaciers.

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I have to point out the obvious here. Sarah Palin HERSELF brought Bristol's personal drama to our attention. It was said that she did it to set the record straight on who birthed Trig. Palin herself is to blame for this conversation.


Since Sarah Palin refused to release her medical records, Trig's mother question remains a mystery--but the likelihood of a 44 year old woman birthing a Down's baby versus a 16 year old kid birthing one, well the odds are a lot better it was the elder Palin.


I wonder if she refused to reveal her medical records because she possibly had an abortion at some point, which would make her high-and-mighty 'tude pretty hypocritical, that is, if her shopping problem doesn't already do that.


Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus stores across the coutry, indeeed. Viva Lady Macbeth!

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No worries, the GOP's sent the cavalry right on up to AK to round up the clothes.


All is not lost for some foolish donors who unknowingly supported the Hillbilly Juggernaut.


Ya when he got his mo. bill he shit himself and started make phone calls to the G.O.P.!

And Sara Pailan released her med.records on 11-4-08 checked out O.K.

Edited by pc313
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Sarah Palin is a dumb cunt who somehow managed to finagle her way into a position of power far, far above her talents. She is a complete joke. She is also a very willing, self promoting target of public comment, as is her family, whom she has talked about in detail at every opportunity. Any notion that it is somehow distasteful to have a bit of fun at this national embarrassment's expense is fucking ludicrous.


You know what I find distasteful? Evangelical pregnant teens raising children many years before they're ready. Invasions of foreign countries. Torture. And all the other fun and games this woman has promoted during here brief stint in the limelight.


Offended by Sarah Palin potshots?


Blow it out your ass.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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