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F*ing political correctness ! It depends chokes


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This has the makings of a pretty damn funny joke if people would stop trying to stuff it back down folks throats. People, and the press, are just too damn politically correct these days, and it's spot on the money how the press try's to create stories out of insignificant nothings so as to garner headlines. Here's this insignificant issue de jour, which is probably pretty funny if you could hit the timing on the money.


"U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Boston): addressing a business summit on energy issues, kicked off his remarks with some light-hearted banter.


"These are the exciting last two week moments of the presidential campaign," the Boston Democrat said. "So it's a very special time. I can't wait for it to be over. I am so tired of the press' silly questions that they ask along the way. And cable television which reduces everything to stupidity - the lowest common denominator of conflict."


Kerry tried to relay to the audience what it is like to face the press corps' inquiries. "I don't know if any of you know what it's like. I do, obviously," he said. "I've been asked all of those brilliant questions that were repeated this year." "Barack got asked the famous boxers or briefs question," Kerry went on. "I was tempted to say commando." The senator said Obama successfully parried that question but that John McCain, the GOP nominee, had some problems. "Then they asked McCain and McCain said, ‘Depends,'" Kerry said to lots of laughter from the crowd."


Depends...heh heh...I think it got recycled from Bob Dole, but still a classic. :)

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Oooh, the real scandal would be if Kimberly-Clark, the manufacturer of Depends, paid John Kerry for the product placement!


Hmmm, well, I'd be fine with that as long as we were not subjected to pics of McCain or Dole wearing them. Because in that case I would pay extra to NOT see that kind of thing. :lmao: Being an ad-man has to be a tough job sometimes.

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I am so fucking sick and tired of this whole steaming pile of PC bullshit. Have always thought it smacked of a nanny-state pandering to loozerz with no balls in their sac.


Political Correctness: A system of thinking where it's OK to offend someone right in front of you by enforcing a made-up rule to stop a theoretical offense to an unknown person at a later date when you aren't even going to be there.



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