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OK, I just wanted to get this in before newspapers hit the stands tomorrow.


McCain is a dried up, mummified, moldering, half-dead, wrinkly, prune-faced, shouldn't be driving, poopy-drawered, Metamucil drinking, prescription drug popping, liver-spotted, rotten toothed, haggard, wizened, varicosed, walker needing, red scooter driving, Clapper using, Lawrence Welk listening, Matlock watching, vestigial head growing out of the side of his face old coot!


(The views and opinions expressed here...)

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It sounds like you would also say that "All Chinese people look alike"...etc.


you're confusing what a few vocal people are saying to a whole party. I'm sorry for you if you can't recognize that!


C'mon, Porter. When was the last time you called out someone on the left for using the same broad brush vis a vis Republicans? I suggest you take a look at some very recent thread titles.

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The funniest part of the article..


"The New York Times reported she (SARA PALIN) granted the 95,000-dollar-a-year directorship of the state division of agriculture to a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, who cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification."



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I'm actually much more interested in Porter's indignation than your rambling and indemonstrable accusations of racism. Hello? Is Porter really trying to say that it is unacceptable for someone to paint a political party with an ideology...unless it fits his worldview?


Hmmm. Yes, the Democratic Party is the American party of vitriolic hatred for every man, woman, and child on the planet. It's efforts over the last seventy years or so for something approaching full employment, affordable health care, an internationalist foreign policy, stewardship for the environment, etc., etc. is really just a smokescreen for its real aims to steal everybody's private property and put everyone into State run labor camps which of course is in accordance with its Communist ideological aims. There, you win. It's all true, just tune into AM talk radio tomorrow morning and it'll tell you. Good night and sleep tight!

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I'm actually much more interested in Porter's indignation than your rambling and indemonstrable accusations of racism. Hello? Is Porter really trying to say that it is unacceptable for someone to paint a political party with an ideology...unless it fits his worldview?


Hmmm. Yes, the Democratic Party is the American party of vitriolic hatred for every man, woman, and child on the planet. It's efforts over the last seventy years or so for something approaching full employment, affordable health care, an internationalist foreign policy, stewardship for the environment, etc., etc.


...And the WARS! Don't forget the Wars. Some, a result of their policies of appeasement, isolationism, protectionism, and idealism! WWI. WWII. Korea. Vietnam. Thanks Dems!

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...And the WARS! Don't forget the Wars. Some, a result of their policies of appeasement, isolationism, protectionism, and idealism! WWI. WWII. Korea. Vietnam. Thanks Dems!


:crosseye: Hey diddle diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed to see such fun,

And the dish ran away with the spoon. :crosseye:

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...And the WARS! Don't forget the Wars. Some, a result of their policies of appeasement, isolationism, protectionism, and idealism! WWI. WWII. Korea. Vietnam. Thanks Dems!


FW's probably the first person in history to claim that the United States caused WWI or WWII in Europe.


The outbreak of WWI had little to do with America one way or the other. Furthermore, America wasn't isolationist by any stretch at the outbreak of WWI (the only one of FW's assertions that could even remotely apply to this conflict). The country was focused on asserting its military power in the New World, which it did on several occasions; the Spanish American War, Santo Domingo, Panama, and by then it was competing in world commerce with the other major economic powers of the day. Next....


US policies of containment did have something to do with the war with Japan, but the US played little role in Europe. It couldn't have; the country was devasted by the Depression, an event FW must have forgotten to include in his 'analysis'. In addition, FW is confusing European appeasement of Hitler with some mythical America appeasement. Furthermore, it was the Republicans of FDR's day that were against facing off with Hitler (isolationism? appeasement?), not FDR himself, who firmly believed in taking on Hitler as soon as possible. FW seems to be arguing with himself here, but that's nothing new. Next....


The fault for Vietnam is shared by both parties. Truman ignored Ho Chi Min's requests for help with negotiating independence from the French immediately following WWII. The US had a few other little projects at the time. Eisenhower threatened the French with cessation of foreign aid if they negotiated a peace/independence treaty with the Viet Min after the French's resounding military defeat. In essense, Eisenhower forced the French to hand over the war to us. Kennedy took the ball and ran with it in an effort to bolster his party's "tough on communism" stance. This was not Democrat idealism, this was the cornerstone of both GOP and Democrat thinking during the height of the Cold War.


As usual, FW is long on words but short on his knowledge and understanding of history.


As for Korea, I'll let someone else take that one.




Edited by tvashtarkatena
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My response to comrade Prole was tongue-in-cheek. While he would like to credit a cornucopia of social positives to twentieth century Democrats, I though it only fair to remind him that they seem to be regularly at the helm when war breaks out. Balance for his distortion. Ho Chi Minh's attempts to engage with America go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations debacle. If I recall, Wilson refused to meet with the man--you see, Woodrow was a bit of a racist...with a capital "D". I won't even address your idiotic assertions vis a vis the French (who were themselves flirting with communism at the time) and Eisenhower. Three of the four wars I listed were wars of American choice. But right or wrong, each of these choices was made by a Democrat--not to mention the firebombing of cities in Japan (and Dresden) by FDR, the subsequent atomic attacks by Truman, and the incompetently managed escalation in Vietnam by LBJ.


It's pretty clear from your dissertation above that the extent of your knowledge of American history goes only as far as Professor Google allows. Maybe Ivan bestows some charitable tid-bits upon you from time to time too. By the way: It's Ho Chi Minh. Dumbass.

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My response to comrade Prole was tongue-in-cheek.


I realize that coherence is not your forte, but when trying to worm your way out of looking ignorant, you really should stop here next time rather than piling on a jumble of irrelevant factoids and pretending that it somehow shores up your original meaningless assertion.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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:noway::noway: Just when you think this place can't go any lower...



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