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Seven Years Ago Today


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I know what I saw and what I saw read like a statement, what with the fuck you gremlin and all. Any question mark, if there was one, changed little about the tone of your post.

And it struck no nerve with me. I considered it merely spray from an ignoramus, and called you on the change of context.

I thought your changing of the post was amusing, like the way a drunk will sober up and regret what they had said when drunk.


As I do the dichotomy within your last post:

yeh, i actually think the individuals deserved it. give me a frickin break. this wasn't a full on troll. this shit could and proly will happen again in some form or another. and i didn't post "America deserved what it got" you block head. is was in the form of a question jerk wadd. i changed the wording because i didn't want anyone to think i thought we did. so scott get your quotes right big boi. funny what strikes nerves around this place and what doesn't.




scott, i'm glad i amuse you, see you at fall rope up :wave:

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We are already there. I am simply proposing that we do the best with what we have.


Well if you want to do the best with what we have..... should we not take care of OUR home first? Who gives a shit about Iraq. Our own country has been ran into the ground. Health care, education and just plain food on the table for most Americans should be first. Not Iraq and there problems.


Fucking go to Iraq and see what really run into the ground is you twat. This country is fine and still amoung the best in the World. I am sorry you have to pay $4 for gas. At least your kids aren't walking around in abandoned minefields from a dz. different wars/altercations.

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We are already there. I am simply proposing that we do the best with what we have.


Well if you want to do the best with what we have..... should we not take care of OUR home first? Who gives a shit about Iraq. Our own country has been ran into the ground. Health care, education and just plain food on the table for most Americans should be first. Not Iraq and there problems.



Fucking go to Iraq and see what really run into the ground is you twat. This country is fine and still amoung the best in the World. I am sorry you have to pay $4 for gas. At least your kids aren't walking around in abandoned minefields from a dz. different wars/altercations.


Ironically, the US bears the bulk of the responsibility for the devastation of Iraq. We destroyed much of their civilian infrastructure during DS, the continued to bomb them continually for the next 12 years before invading and causing the present chaos.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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