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Mt. Sir Donald North Face


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Better rock than most anything in the Rockies. Quartzite is a lot better there than on the N Face of Cavell. Not really a classic north face (not enough ice) but a decent rock climb. If it gets harder than 5.6 look around.


Decent down the NW arete is a bit long :)



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Hey Braydon! Feck is right, better skiing there than climbing early in the year. Many climbs actually in the Rockies...just a short drive away from Rogers Pass and Sir Donald, are better goals. And don't get the huge dumps of snow Rogers Pass is famous for.


Hang around Dragontail and Stuart on the wrong day and you'll hear similar rumblings of loose rock. But not Mtns generally known for it. Comparing Sir Donald to something like Temple, Kitchener, Hugabee, Deltaform really isn't fair. Really shitty limestone for the most part on all of them, although the lower 1/2 of the central buttress on Temple is very good. Decent quartzite on Sir Donald and mid face on Cavell. Both offer exceptional climbs. Go at the right time and they can be a lark...at they wrong time you could easily die.


The NW arete is a better outing imo.

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