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Beacon Rock: Tenattive July 1st Opening


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Check back here tomorrow night or call the park before heading out Tuesday, July 1st - but that's the tentative scheduled opening date. There is a remote, but unlikely, possibility that could get pushed out until Wednesday, July 2nd, but I don't expect that happening at this time.

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Sorry I didn't include that info in my post I was dashing around last night without much time. Kevin, not sure what's so loaded about the question at all. The Peregrines were successful this year and had either one or two chicks - can't quite tell which yet.

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It is a loaded question because the birds would be successful even if the rock did not close (to just climbers) Therefore the closure is a joke. So depending on who you ask……the “verdict” on the birds is still out…….


Either way thanks for working on it JH……


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You'd think at some point you'd get past it all Kevin.


I don’t exactly loose sleep over it.


Absolutely no aspect of the closure is a joke



Uh…..we have gone over it before……closing the rock to just climbers is the joke. The birds themselves are not a joke…..how the controlling parties (government) govern the closures is foolhardy. IMO.


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Well, as it turns out I'm going to have to eat crow, or in this case Peregrine and say that I've jumped the gun with this opening notice.


As it stands today there is still formal cross-departmental verification, approval, and scheduling to be completed so we won't be opening tomorrow the 1st and everyone involved is scrambling to sort out final approvals and work schedules. I will keep you posted when it all gets completed and we are firm for opening.


This is entirely my fault and not WDFW or BRSP's. It is largely a matter of sighting of the fledges having taken place on Friday afternoon when it was too late for both agencies to coordinate to complete and coordinate work at their ends given their current workloads.


Again, my apologies for jumping the gun and I will keep you advised the minute I know we have a firm opening.

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