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Mt. Hood Solo?

Das Beerd

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I'm not familiar enough with the standard route through the Old Crater (Mazama route, methinks) to know if I'll need to rope up or not. Is it doable solo this time of year without a rope team? I figure Friday night it's going to be a big game of follow-the-leader up there anyways. Advice?



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Doable. Some teams do choose to rope up though. My thinking is if I'm not comfortable soloing when no one else is around, then I won't solo. When going alone, I don't rely on someone else being there to bail me out if I get sketched or I'm not sure of the route. Do your homework on the route and conditions then make good judgement calls along the way.

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If you go the Mazama route (west crater rim) be prepared for some nice exposure on that summit ridge...If I remember correctly the ridge that links the western half of the mountain with the true summit is about as wide as your two feet...that's the only spot I thought a rope would have been a nice comfort when I did Leuthold awhile back...


You can ski off the top. Just choose a line.

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Das Beerd, just climbed it last Thursday. The scariest thing for me was the fear of getting clotheslined by the hordes of inexperienced folks climbing above the Hogsback in the event there was a fall.


Also, you might find a second tool helpful on some parts of the descent should you decide to downclimb nose-in.


Lastly, don't be a lame ass like so many folks I saw who actually took a snow-cat ride up to ~ 8,500' before commencing their "climb".

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Remember... "Discretion is the better part of valor."


I had neither when I yardsaled my way down the bowl below the Pearly Gates... :rolleyes:


Good on you for recognizing an epic in the making and taking the requisite steps to avoid same.

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