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"Crossfit" for Diet for Crossfit??

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Here's the skinny:


I like the CF WODs because I don't have to use my brain to stay in shape: I just do what it says on the website.


Anyone have a similar resource for proper exercise nutrition? I just want to be able to look at a website during the week and have it tell me what to eat.


The weekends are another matter. "I wish they'd never invented fried cheese..."

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Read Michael Pollans In Defence of Food.

He gives you simple rules to eat by which pretty much should leave you close to the zone which is what crossfit usually advocates bit his rules are a lot more simple to follow than the zone.


There are zone meal planning websites too just search for them.

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If you can determine how many blocks you should be on per day then many many many websites, recipe books, etc etc offer zone meals that are scalable.


Here is a good quick start guide: :chebit:


You should really consider reading at least a little on the zone. A week in the zone is super cheap and easy reading: $3.49


Pollans book is really good also.


Keep in mind you will likely need to modify the # of blocks and percentages for winter alpine/ice trips...


Take a look @ this article by Twight on how he scales for alpine: 1 2


Related to that though this book is more slanted towards ultra running/endurance stuff it has 3 chapters on diet which easily apply to alpine especially if you prefer the "in a push" style. I can lend you my copy if you want.


And if you want it Rob Miller wrote an awesome article for the xfit journal on what he ate meal to meal while putting up the free muir route with justen... let me know if you want me to email it to you


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I just finished a good read that might be up your alley.


Food for Fitness Book

A little different than most diet books as it pays attention to what athletes should be eating. Many books you might pick-up are aimed at overweight people trying to lose weight which isn't all that relevant for someone that is active and looking to increase performance.

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