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Truck nuts - yea or Nea?


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lawmaker plans to introduce a bill that will ban "truck nuts" from your truck or SUV.


The nutty idea is the brainchild of Delegate Lionell Spruill. We're talking about the fake testicles people hang on the backs of their vehicles. Spruill's bill would ban anything on a car or truck that looked like human genitalia


they look more like sheep or bull nuts.




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lawmaker plans to introduce a bill that will ban "truck nuts" from your truck or SUV.


The nutty idea is the brainchild of Delegate Lionell Spruill. We're talking about the fake testicles people hang on the backs of their vehicles. Spruill's bill would ban anything on a car or truck that looked like human genitalia


they look more like sheep or bull nuts.




Muchos gracias, senor! As I tell the mamacitas... tango la verga de un Toro!


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I'm past the plateau now, and well into January's regimen. Thanks for asking.


Better buy some fancy heart monitors and stuff. That'll help you going forward.


editing your posts doesn't burn too many calories. I recommend you go for a bike ride instead. you'd be surprised how quickly your boobies will shrink.


I don't know. I'm training for climbing, not booby shrinkage. Cycling hasn't helped you much in either area, so I'll stick with my plan. Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Say, you haven't been rear ended since you hung your ballz from the rear bumper, have you? If so, don't even bother shelling out the copay for surgery...just join a choir.

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I don't know. I'm training for climbing, not booby shrinkage.


Gee, hasn't seemed to help much.


Try posting on cc.com less, obsessing about your gear less, and get your ass outside.


Great advice. Loved your TRs from this year, BTW. Awesome. As for today: 40 minutes of weights, an hour of raquetball, and 45 minutes of incline treadmill already. How about you? Oh, yeah, you "bike to work". :grlaf:


Maybe you could send me some training tips. I need to break through that 5.8 ceiling....


Someday I might climb like you. I'm hoping that, if strokes are in my future, they'll be delayed as long as possible, however.

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Great advice. Loved your TRs from this year, BTW. Awesome. As for today: 40 minutes of weights, an hour of raquetball, and 45 minutes of incline treadmill already. How about you? Oh, yeah, you "bike to work". :grlaf:


2 hours of riding yesterday, followed by some scotch. And I don't have bitch titties like you. Either you overeat, or it's bad genetics. Bummer dude.


As for TRs... hmm didn't you cry to a moderator about people commenting on your TRs in Spray? Then again, the idea of "practice what you preach" has never held much sway with you. And, no, not all of us feel compelled to post a TR for everything we do. Man you love yourself... but I guess someone has to.


Maybe you could send me some training tips. I need to break through that 5.8 ceiling....


Poor Trashie, you have to derive your self-worth by standards for others to view you by, and by making comparisons. Really pathetic. Gee, if I lead at a level above you will you suddenly feel so crushed? From Tiger Mountain speed record bragging, to your Ice Climbing excursions and impressive "5.8"+ leads, the pattern is repeated.


BTW, you might try working on your rope-management. Leaving a strand dangling 100 feet downslope is not really great form. I'm certain you can fit that practice in between your racquetball and martini. :wave:


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