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I WAS talking about 2004 ... and 2006 also. I actually believe that he did not win the 2004 election.


I realize this has been discussed extensively and the Democrats chose not to challenge it and also that most commentators after the fact said there was no proof of election fraud throwing the election.


The newspapers and magazines at the time reported, however, a systematic disenfranchisement of precincts overwhelmingly favoring Kerry, that the voting machines (both Diebold and some of the optical scanners) showed serious problems that generally if not exclusively favored Bush, and etc. etc. It cannot all be explained by incompetence.


Whether you think Bush won by fraud or not, the fact that there was some serious effort in that direction remains.


*thwack* *thwack* *thwack* (black helicopters)



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You stick your head in the sand because you like the results. But if these "anomalies" had favored Kerry and he won, what would you say?


Meanwhile, care to go over to the bias thread and offer some specifics of how you think there is a liberal bias in the media, or maybe an example of how the Republican party has become so dastardly liberal?


Yesterday you said you didn't have time, but you apparently have time to call me names in this thread.

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you said 2006 was corrupted, yet your "side" won that one. :wave:


Typo. I'm pretty sure you knew what I meant: 2000 and 2004. As to 2006, was there any report of any manipulation of the voting tallies, systematic disenfranchisement of Eastern Washington, or anything else or just some whiner radio shock jocks complaining that the recount in the Washington governor's race was completed according to the law? (That is what you are complaining about, isn't it-that the recount was undertaken and completed according to the law?).


I'll gladly support the elimination of any use of electronic voting machines or any other device that doesn't produce a paper receipt or paper ballot -- here in Washington -- to prevent you from fearing that the Decmocratic machine is going to deny you a fair vote, though.


Think about it: Diebold said they cannot make voting machines that produce a paper receipt or are secure. The manufacturer of most if not all of the bank machines we use every day. Hmmm.

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I can't think of a single reason why anyone would object to improving electronic voting to eliminate concerns of results tampering, and I can't think of a lot of reasons why we shouldn't use electronic voting tell such safeguards are in place.


Maybe we should bring in observers to monitor our elections - just like we do in other countries. No, I'm not joking.


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I can't think of a single reason why anyone would object to improving electronic voting to eliminate concerns of results tampering, and I can't think of a lot of reasons why we shouldn't use electronic voting tell such safeguards are in place.


Maybe we should bring in observers to monitor our elections - just like we do in other countries. No, I'm not joking.


Observers won't necessarily fix the issue i'm referring too. I also think that voting software should be open source.

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Observers won't necessarily fix the issue i'm referring too. I also think that voting software should be open source.


no, but that's not the only "issue" we hear about.


i'd like for all the dead people and felons to be stricken from the voter registrations as well.


Right. But this thread is about Diebold machines. I don't think they should be used until the safeguards are in place. I don't care if there isn't actually tampering with them either....I think there are enough problems with them to introduce reasonable doubt into the voting process on a far larger scope, which is something we don't need.

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I'm with you as far as enforcing the law, KJK, but I don't think keeping the felons out of the voter registration rolls is as high a priority as making sure the damn election count is fair and providing enough voting machines in poor urban neighborhoods to prevent the obvious discouragement of participation there.


Now, about the question of bias: do you care to state any coherent position or cogent facts or are you simply relying on some black helicopter theories of your own?

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Right. But this thread is about Diebold machines. I don't think they should be used until the safeguards are in place. I don't care if there isn't actually tampering with them either....I think there are enough problems with them to introduce reasonable doubt into the voting process on a far larger scope, which is something we don't need.


I agree, and extend the criticism on what needs fixed beyond them.


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Porter, you made a typo in your post above, so it said you couldn't think of a reason NOT to use them.


I agree, though: there would seem to be no reason to argue that we SHOULD use them at this point -- unless you like the result they produce. KK wants to complain the completely legal recount in Washington was unfair yet discount any complaint about obvious problems in Florida and Ohio.

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