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favorite punk bands NSFFW


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not really, he got booed off stage at gheyaasspalooza because trent artsy fag reznor fans wanted to fly their freak flags. that wasn't the only time that ever happened. gene simmons is more of a marketing icon as ghey as he is. my henry rollins action figure is still on back order. the henry you speak of came later at the end of his music career mid 90's.

Edited by pink
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not really, he got booed off stage at gheyaasspalooza because trent artsy fag reznor fans wanted to fly their freak flags. that wasn't the only time that ever happened. gene simmons is more of a marketing icon as ghey as he is. my henry rollins action figure is still on back order. the henry you speak of came later at the end of his music career mid 90's.


Kiss's background can't be compared with Black Flag, in the same way that Henry can't be compared to Gene.


Not that Henry embodies Black Flag. The were around quite a while before he hopped onboard; he just happened to be their last singer while the band was still together...and even then, even though "punk", Black Flag within it's own genre was "superstar status".


I like some of his music; it has some interesting blues influence at times...and at others, it's nothing but Pearl Jam with a loud tatooed guy at the front.

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i am not comparing anything. and i thought we were talking about henry not black flag. just saying if henry was way into marketing well he failed miserably at it. ask someone who know who gene simmons is and then ask some who henry rollins is.


black flag was a greg ginn thing, and yes i am aware of the history.


i agree with the blues influence but i hear some complicated jazz offbeats as well, liar for example.


it's all fun to listen to, this thread was meant to be more of a tribute to punk not an debate of what punk is and isn't. i enjoy all your opinions but don't care if you don't like mine.

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i am not comparing anything. and i thought we were talking about henry not black flag. just saying if henry was way into marketing well he failed miserably at it. ask someone who know who gene simmons is and then ask some who henry rollins is.

Hank is not into marketing. I think that is part of the reason he started 2.13.61

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What was really cool about these "punk" bands of the 80's was the DIY thing. They put out their own records and got 'em heard. Broke the stranglehold of the major labels (until the majors figured it out and bought all the shit out again). It was fun there for a while.


Seems like it should be much easier now to do some DIY music distribution with mp3's and such. Though maybe it's too easy now. One problem with the DIY stuff in the 80's was that there were some real gems but you had to sift through a bunch of total crap too. Now there's probably a ton more crap to sift through.


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I have a friend give me a couple black flag albums on my computer then to my ipod…..I have to say…..they suck shit. There music is terrible. That is a lot coming from me who tries real hard to see good in almost all music……I need to remove them from my I pod…..

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What was really cool about these "punk" bands of the 80's was the DIY thing. They put out their own records and got 'em heard. Broke the stranglehold of the major labels (until the majors figured it out and bought all the shit out again). It was fun there for a while.


Seems like it should be much easier now to do some DIY music distribution with mp3's and such. Though maybe it's too easy now. One problem with the DIY stuff in the 80's was that there were some real gems but you had to sift through a bunch of total crap too. Now there's probably a ton more crap to sift through.

I was inspired after reading Our Band Could Be Your Life and insisted on recording my bands last album on our own as much as possible. I bought a cheap digital recording box, cheap studio monitors and a cheap Chinese tube mic. We recorded the drums at a studio and did the rest in my bedroom. We were pleasantly surprised at how well it came out and so are most people who listen to it. It probably cost 1/10 or less of what it would have cost to do it all in a studio and we had more control and less pressure in figuring out how we wanted it to sound.


We got the CD's printed through a collective in Canada and set up distribution through CDbaby.com in Portland. We paid it all off in a few months of gigging. Our tour of Switzerland on the other hand is still in the red. DIY is getting easier and easier. I know bands in Vancouver BC that have spent $10,000 to $60,000 to record and album in studio with a producer. I couldn't justify that cost given our draw.


Hopefully we haven't added to the crap to sift through.

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i am not comparing anything. and i thought we were talking about henry not black flag. just saying if henry was way into marketing well he failed miserably at it. ask someone who know who gene simmons is and then ask some who henry rollins is.


black flag was a greg ginn thing, and yes i am aware of the history.


i agree with the blues influence but i hear some complicated jazz offbeats as well, liar for example.


it's all fun to listen to, this thread was meant to be more of a tribute to punk not an debate of what punk is and isn't. i enjoy all your opinions but don't care if you don't like mine.


That's fair enough; I don't think anyone can really classify what punk is, and that's the beauty of it.


So, on that note (and back on topic), my favorite punk bands are the Circle Jerks, and old Bad Religion.

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no has said Camper Van Beethoven.


"Take the skin heads bowling take them bowling"


"where where the hell is Bill"


You'll be happy to know Camper Van AND Cracker are playing a NYE show at the Doug Fir.


y'all get all the good shows up there damn it :cry:

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My band's called the GLIM Project. I hadn't looked on youtube before but there are actually few clips there. This one's the most punk of them I guess. (I'm on the right with the SG)


We have some songs up on myspace.com/glimproject as well



I haven't seen STREETS but have Worms. It kicks ass. There's not a lot of punk bands up here. Mostly Meshugga, Radiohead type stuff and crappy art rock.

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