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The Story of Thanksgiving


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Sure, if I am able to repeat it.


I've been stuck with T-giving and X-mas in the past. I've learned that dealing with my family is the farthest thing from vacation I can possibly do. I am related to a bunch of people who are just like me; and it is a glimpse into Hell. I now avoid the holiday thing at all costs. I figure that we'll be stuck together through eternity, so what does one little week here or there matter?

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Oh yeah, for Christmas this year I am going fishing in Oregon. You are welcome to come along.


Thanks for the invite, but Christmas is much easier on me than T-day. We stick a ham or prime rib in the smoker and do easy sides so I can enjoy the day and play with the kids and their new toys :)


Hope you catch a lot of fish!

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i'll pay for it later but it was worth it. i was so not up for family drama. your house sounds fun at christmas!


at my house it will go something like this:


my husband will avoid my family by doing the cooking so that i have to sit and enjoy some awkward contrived conversation. my step brother's wife will whine for several hours about everything. something in the kitchen will explode and provide a nice distraction for a few minutes. the small children from stepbrother will terrorize the pets. no TV or other pleasant distraction will be allowed by my mother during "family time". we'll have lovely meal filled by awkward silences and then a gross display of consumerism during which time someone will complain about how expensive christmas is. finally they'll all leave and i'll immediately start removing the trapings of christmas in a vain effort to restore sanity. at some point during these 4 - 6 hours of holiday merriment, if all goes well i will consume enough hot buttered rum and/or wine to be pleasantly buzzed and not say things that i'm thinking. ho ho ho! merry christmas.


i so much prefer having our friends over for a holiday gathering earlier in the month than having my family over on christmas. family disfunciton makes the holidays such a special time of year.

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isn't that how the bible says we should celebrate the birth of christ? by having a family gathering where everyone can put on their best display of passive/agressive behaviour whilst getting sloshed and exchanging gifts with people who, like myself, already have more than enough "stuff". i'm pretty sure that would've been what jesus had in mind.

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The story of how I celebrate New Year's Eve is a fun one. Or so I've been told...


My best new years story involves New Orleans and recreational products. One of our group climbed the town Christmas tree and removed this 2' diameter ornament. We then played volleyball with the ornament down Bourbon St till these big guys that looked like a football team wanted to play us for the ball.


Their group of 8 took possession of the ornament until I ducked and ran into their scrum and got the ball back. :grlaf:


I almost got run down by a crew of cops on horses too. :lmao:

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The story of how I celebrate New Year's Eve is a fun one. Or so I've been told...


My best new years story involves New Orleans and recreational products. One of our group climbed the town Christmas tree and removed this 2' diameter ornament. We then played volleyball with the ornament down Bourbon St till these big guys that looked like a football team wanted to play us for the ball.


Their group of 8 took possession of the ornament until I ducked and ran into their scrum and got the ball back. :grlaf:


I almost got run down by a crew of cops on horses too. :lmao:


pics? your trip to New Orleans on New Years is way better than mine. All I know is that there is a picture of me standing half clothed on top of a nissan sentra in front of a KMart. We had to drive to FL the next morning just to find an open McDonald's. I really needed a lot of greasy high fat food to cure that hang over.

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