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Bombing Iran: Carbon Neutral?


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Nope. He seems to pretty much think everything is A-OK.


Actually - I don't think everything is A-OK.....I think the trickle-down part of our capitalist ideology is broken - specifically, thanks to our greed and consumerism, the wealth doesn't "trickle down" in practice like it should in theory. The current administration rightfully believes that NGOs are far more efficient at distributing aid than the government, so it relies heavily on this mechanism. Unfortunately, all they can do is make you rich, and give you tax breaks for donating to these organizations - they can't make you give. To sit here and bitch about what the government is not doing is not particularly constructive - if you can see holes in the system, do you part to plug them.


In Tvash's case, the evil government enabled a free market system that made him a lot of money and let him keep most of it...enough that he apparently doesn't need to work. And what does he do with the excesses that have been afforded him??? Nepal, the Caribbean....you know the rest, or you can ask Fairweather.


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How often do you volunteer, eric?


I used to work with highschool youth ~ 4 hours per week, but since the new baby (and my more than full-time employment), not too much right now.

Why do you ask?


So Eric, exactly how many hours per week should us liberals be volunteering again?



Nice selective quoting, and not exactly my point but nice dodge nonetheless

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Alright Mr. Tvrashtarkatena a.k.a. trash talker,


you are either 1) WAY too smart for the rest of us pathetic spray normals


or 2) Simply the biggest asshole I've ever come across.


or 3) Simply have the worst sense of humor I've ever come across


or 4) A combination of 2 and 3.


I'm banking on # 4.

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Alright Mr. Tvrashtarkatena a.k.a. trash talker,


you are either 1) WAY too smart for the rest of us pathetic spray normals


or 2) Simply the biggest asshole I've ever come across.


or 3) Simply have the worst sense of humor I've ever come across


or 4) A combination of 2 and 3.


I'm banking on # 4.


I nominate this for POTD. I owe you a beer for this one. :tup:


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wow this thread is disturbing on a so many levels. cc.com has reached new elevation as a sick and twisted bunch.


for the group of you preventing the trickle down effect, if you're not going to volunteer some time to help those in need, write a check (that's what i do. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy)

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Alright Mr. Tvrashtarkatena a.k.a. trash talker,


you are either 1) WAY too smart for the rest of us pathetic spray normals


or 2) Simply the biggest asshole I've ever come across.


or 3) Simply have the worst sense of humor I've ever come across


or 4) A combination of 2 and 3.


I'm banking on # 4.


Here kid, here's a quarter. Go buy yourself a popsickle.


And look up the words 'irony' and 'parody' while you're sucking on it.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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