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chute at snow creek- leavenworth


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I once saw a guy jump into the irrigation canal tunnel that's up by the Marsupials at Smith.


We were approaching the Marsups and there was a group ahead of us. This is right where the trail joins up with Burma road, and where Burma road makes a hard right turn before heading up to Koala rock. The irrigation canal dumps into a long tunnel right there at the turn, and ends up coming out on the other side of the hill. This irrigation canal is quite a bit bigger than the one at Snow Creek wall - probably about 3 or 4 times as far across.


Anyway, one of the guys in the group ahead of us had a dog, and the dog decided to go play in the water, and immediately got swept away into the tunnel. the guy must have been really attached to his dog, because he immediately jumped in after the dog.


It was totally silent for a few seconds, and then the rest of his party started freaking out. they tried yelling to him to no avail. We ran up to help & tried to get a cell phone signal to call 911. We realized that any 911 help wasn't going to be able to get there any time soon, so people started trying things like feeding a climbing rope into the tunnel to see if he could grab it. After a while, a couple guys started running up to the top of the ridge to see if they could see where the canal came out on the other side.

Well, after about 30-45 minutes, as the other guys ran up the ridge, they ran into the original guy walking over the ridge back towards them with the dog in tow. Both were soaking wet, but otherwise fine. it turns out that the guy (and dog) had been taken on the water chute ride of their life and been swept all the way through the tunnel about 1/4-1/2 mile to where it came out the other side. Luckily, there were no grates or strainers or anything along the way, and this was more of a "tunnel", with air-space above the water, than a syphon.


Note: the big irrigation canal at Smith is totally different than the one at Snow Creek, and even though this particular story had a happy ending, in no way do I encourage anyone to be stupid enough to jump into an irrigation stream to save a dog or for any other reason.

Oh, and the 911 responders never did actually show up - they couldn't figure out how to unlock the gate to the Burma road.



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No. That's a vasectomy. For instance, I shoot blanks but still roam and sniff.


The technical term for neuter surgery is orchidectomy.

The surgery is also called castration.

Neuter surgery removes the testes.


So if you have a couple kids and decide that's enough. Don't ask the doctor to nueter you.

On the other hand, I highly recommend getting a vasectomy.

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OK, fair enough. I concede. Neutering does indeed remove the testes, which would make it somewhat more difficult to fuck.

But that's not to say that I haven't seen neutered cats, dogs, and even rabbits going at it like they were teenagers. Some things you just never outgrow... :rolleyes:

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No. That's a vasectomy. For instance, I shoot blanks but still roam and sniff.


The technical term for neuter surgery is orchidectomy.

The surgery is also called castration.

Neuter surgery removes the testes.


So if you have a couple kids and decide that's enough. Don't ask the doctor to nueter you.

On the other hand, I highly recommend getting a vasectomy.


if it was Seahawks you should also neuter the kids

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Has anyone else been tempted to float down the water chute that flows under the Snow Creek trail? It appears to go on for at least half a mile then mysteriously disappears.... Aside from that it looks like a super fun ride. If you have done it or know anything about how the journey would end (assuming one does not get caught) I'd like to hear about it.


good luck!!!


hope it works out, if so you can call yerself "super nova".

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I'd just add that as a teen and part of a Mounties group headed to the west ridge of Prusik we started up the Snow Creek trail. Just after crossing the Icicle we ran into a family that had started the hike 20 min earlier with their dog. The father and mother were crying asking where the tunnel went and the kids were in tears. The leader of our group didn't want to tell them what most likely happened, so he told them to talk to the Leavenworth water district.

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