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Impeach the bastard already.


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In other words, they say, no inquiry should commence until proof of the president's guilt has been unearthed



So he admitting to ILLEGAL wiretapping is not guilt? I don’t get it......he broke the law and admitted it. What more proof do the American people need?

The point made by Fein is that proof of wrong doing is not and should not be a prerequisite to impeachment: Faced with compelling evidence or public outrage, it's up to the House to consider the evidence, and then hand it over to the Senate for trial in the case where proof is determined substantial. This is the process of impeachment, the process by which the power of the presidency is kept in check by The People.


I believe the assertion that anybody in the presidency has actually admitted to "ILLEGAL" activity is simply not true. On the contrary, the presidency has repeatedly and consistently asserted it was LEGAL for it to perform the actions in question. And this is the reason for impeachment -- for Congress to conduct oversight to determine if the law was broken and the Constitution violated, as many believe to be the case.


In my opinion, the question is whether or not the presidency is above the laws. Gonzales said it is. You and I may have a different answer, but what the American people need and deserve now is an not answer from you or me, but from Congress. And the means provided by the Constitution for Congress to produce this answer is called IMPEACHMENT.


I happen to concur with Reagan's former deputy attorney general: For Congress to refuse impeachment now is for Congress to refuse the Constitution.

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