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Politics and climbing


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3400 posts and u take it upon yourself to call me an idiot for expressing my opinion when i have like 15 posts and then someone defends me saying your a jackass that constantly flames people and calls them ridiculous names it may be easy to figure out im 23 but you act like your 14 and tryin to feel good about yourself by demeaning others i have a distinct feeling you wouldnt call me an idiot so easily face to face i bet it feels good to talk shit over a computer last time i checked this was a climbing board not a place to take it upon yourself to call someone else you dont know an idiot.

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3400 posts and u take it upon yourself to call me an idiot for expressing my opinion when i have like 15 posts and then someone defends me saying your a jackass that constantly flames people and calls them ridiculous names it may be easy to figure out im 23 but you act like your 14 and tryin to feel good about yourself by demeaning others i have a distinct feeling you wouldnt call me an idiot so easily face to face i bet it feels good to talk shit over a computer last time i checked this was a climbing board not a place to take it upon yourself to call someone else you dont know an idiot.




(this outta be good)




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3400 posts and u take it upon yourself to call me an idiot for expressing my opinion when i have like 15 posts and then someone defends me saying your a jackass that constantly flames people and calls them ridiculous names it may be easy to figure out im 23 but you act like your 14 and tryin to feel good about yourself by demeaning others i have a distinct feeling you wouldnt call me an idiot so easily face to face i bet it feels good to talk shit over a computer last time i checked this was a climbing board not a place to take it upon yourself to call someone else you dont know an idiot.


I don't need to demean you; you do a fine job of it all by yourself. :wave:

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I live in a very conservative state yet almost everyone whom I climb and ski with is fairly liberal (and yes - I don't mind labels). I think it's fairly safe to assume that the majority of people who enjoy back country skiing, climbing or backpacking lean somewhat left - whereas the majority of people who ride supermachines, hunt and go 4-wheeling are somewhat right leaning. Of course I have no statistics to back this up - it's just personal observation.


The right has managed to make environmental policy a divisive political issue where advocating environmental awareness equates one with democrats and liberals. With this comes the mindset that backcountry skiing is a liberal hippie activity and snowmachining is a redneck right-wing activity. Note that I'm speaking in general terms here - every one of us knows a conservative climber or skier - just as every one of us knows a liberal hunter and snowmachiner.


That said... I think things are changing. In Alaska, for example, there is a strong new organization opposed to mining who's membership is made up primarily of hunters and fishermen (the Renewable Resources Coalition - http://www.renewableresourcescoalition.org/). As it becomes apparent that environmental awareness is not a liberal / conservative issue then we'll see more crossover.



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I find it "interesting" to see posts suggesting that some are somehow uncomfortable discussing politics while out climbing. Whether I agree with my partners' politics or not, I've always thought politics was just another thing to talk about along with everything else. I know that some people are uncomfortable acknowledging disagreement about even something as remote as George Bush's choice of cabinet appointments and if my partner doesn't want to talk about it, I'm happy to change the topic of course -- but I often wonder: why can't this guy discuss what they believe about events and persons that are really quite important?


Well said! I grew up in a family where discussion over a variety of topics was encouraged - and nourished - regardless of what the opposing views were. Sunday dinner growing up meant dinner, dessert and then evolution, politics and religion.


Some of the best trips I've been on include sitting in a tent discussing events; nothing makes you forget about a raging storm like arguing about God and Bush!

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your location is listed as in the ring and i say ill beat your shit talkin ass and you say lick sack id bet your bout the biggest poser on cc.com


gee, now I wonder where Mattp's indignation is here. he once attacked me for some presumed veiled threat, and now we have a little 23-yr old snot-nosed brat making open threats. tsk tsk. get a life buddy - if you can't take the heat get outta the proverbial kitchen. :wave:

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there are plenty of conservative climbers out there




If you want conservatives who climb, I'd venture there's a substantial number in the German speaking regions. Quite a few business tycoons are avid mountaineers there (such as Jurgen Schremp)


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im not here to make threats your the one who called me an idiot for no reason and yeah it must really suck to not be able to talk shit and hide behind your computer for once are you afraid or something, dont talk shit i wont attack you with my posts search the site and see if i have been talkin like this to anyone else or just you who takes it upon yourself to talk it up

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there are plenty of conservative climbers out there




If you want conservatives who climb, I'd venture there's a substantial number in the German speaking regions. Quite a few business tycoons are avid mountaineers there (such as Jurgen Schremp)


I'm more interested in climbing with someone who is cool, good natured, shares similar objectives and risk-acceptance, than whether they are conservative or liberal. But if it comes to a choice of politics, I prefer moderates in general, rather than shrill extremists on either side - that goes for any social interaction.


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im not here to make threats your the one who called me an idiot for no reason and yeah it must really suck to not be able to talk shit and hide behind your computer for once are you afraid or something, dont talk shit i wont attack you with my posts search the site and see if i have been talkin like this to anyone else or just you who takes it upon yourself to talk it up


take it to spray...

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how bout you keep your flaming to spray and i may be only 23 but that also means im 18 therefore im old enough to die in your damn conservative presidents war based on his lies, so i can have an opinion witout and ingorant fool like you flaming me.

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The first thing you have to do is get over the "need" to defend yourself and keep up some kind of image you think you're protecting. The more you try to "defend" yourself against the flaming (especially by flaming back even more egregiously), the more you become part of the problem.

you ignornant anjadfskljhklrhyo[ awuiehdfw

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