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Home Defense Firearm Suggestions?


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OK, here is my data. In Snohomish in 1980 my father was gut-shot with a 30-06 in his garden one night while investigating a burglar. After lying for 13 days in the hospital we finally had to pull the plug and let him go.


This had a huge impact on my feelings of personal safety. After much thought I purchased a double-barreled shotgun and cut it down to I think 18 inches. Buddies and I went out and shot all kinds of rounds through it, blasting everything from beer bottles to road signs (27 years ago in Darrington, our ethics were a little lax). I admit that my data was not scientific, we kept greater data on the whisky we were drinking than we did on distance and spread. What I do know is that birdshot through a sawed-off will give you a larger pattern than anything else I know of; and buckshot will give you a decent pattern and stopping power. I used to keep one of each in my shotgun near the bed for protection.


About a year later I moved into a motorhome to live. The shotgun was far too cumbersome for the extremely tight quarters, so I bought a Saturday-night-special snub-nosed .38 and kept it under my pillow. I had no misconceptions that I could actually hit anything over a few yards away with the gun, but it was small, loud, and held enough bullets that I could keep shooting if I missed. I kept the gun under my pillow for more than a year.


I believe it was the 1983 Darrington BlueGrass Festival. I was on my traditional 3 day wine drunk with my motorhome parked in the festival parking area. On the Saturday morning I woke up, not knowing why. I looked over the chubby girl that I found next to me, looked toward the back of the motorhome, and saw a gun enter the back door. An 18 year old kid came in with a pistol and pointed it at my buddy who was in the back of the motorhome having relations with the kid’s girlfriend. It was about 5-6 in the morning, and I was waking from a complete wine stupor. As a pure reaction I reached under the pillow for the .38 with full intention of killing the kid without hesitation; only to realize that it was not there. A buddy had borrowed it to go “blasting” a couple days earlier, and failed to return it. Had the gun been there, I would have emptied it in the general direction of the kid with the full intention of killing the kid; without any hesitation. As my hand came up empty, the guy was pointing his gun at my buddy telling him to step outside so that he could kill him without anyone else getting hurt. My buddy’s only response was to stick his head under the blanket to hide.


The motorhome was a “cab-over” style and I was in the bunk above the driving compartment. I yelled at the kid to give me the gun. I climbed over the “lady” I was next to, and kind of jumped/fell/rolled down to the main floor. It was probably only about 10 feet between he and I, but it seemed like I had to walk about 100 yards; but I kept yelling to give me the gun and I walked right down the barrel as he was pointing it at me. I grabbed the gun and shoved him back through the door to the outside. I went to quickly unload the pistol, only to find out that it was unloaded the entire time. It was just some 18 year old punk trying to show off for his HO girlfriend who was with my buddy. I became so enraged that this punk-assed kid almost made me kill him over something so stupid, that I grabbed him and started beating his head against the motorhome. 5-6 a.m., still wine drunk as hell, beating a kids head against various motorhomes lecturing him on how ridiculous his decision was. I have never owned a firearm since.


Had I had that gun that morning, a stupid kid would be dead. I would have been legally justified. I would have probably been morally justified. But I know that I would not have ever recovered mentally from taking a kids life, so soon after I experienced the death of my father.


Now, nearly thirty years later, I want to get a gun just so my kids can become familiar with guns. Education rather than abstinence. I also look back at “the night” and reflect that, yes, I would have been justified in killing the kid, and I fully support folks who want to have a firearm for their protection. I personally choose not to. If I did, it would be a shotgun, loaded with birdshot and buckshot; and I would probably try to use it as a club before I ever shot it at someone. I would personally rather take a beating and live, then take anothers life. If I knew it was his life or mine, then I would take his: but you rarely really know that.


Again, my data is far from scientific, and I am probably talking out of my ass. But I have put a lot of thought into what I would keep for self protection if I wanted a firearm. Personally, I keep my ice tools nearby, and call that good enough.


Peace, respect, brotherhood.


Great story! :tup:

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Absofrigganloutly great story. It's easier to say you're gonna kill someone than to actually do it. BTW, what if your daughters brand new boyfriend sneaks into your home late some night and you blast him 6 ways to Sunday some dark evening?


Sadie may the Trailer park Floozie says :tup::tup:



Our guard dog. (tag says "Queen of the Sofa")

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Absofrigganloutly great story. It's easier to say you're gonna kill someone than to actually do it. BTW, what if your daughters brand new boyfriend sneaks into your home late some night and you blast him 6 ways to Sunday some dark evening?


Sadie may the Trailer park Floozie says :tup::tup:



Our guard dog. (tag says "Queen of the Sofa")

Where is the link to make these posters again?

Does anyone remember the thread where we all made these? What was it called?

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i had no idea humans were still into this shit.


Yeah some monkeys have not evolved.



The thing about having a gun, I think is you and whoever else has access to it, better be ready to kill or else whoever you are pointing that thing at may use it on you. I myself, I am not ready to do that, and don't see myself ready to that at any point in my life. I feel this way because I think in most situations someone who is coming take something from you, is not looking to take your life. I would just give them whatever they want and have them get the fuck out my life as soon as possible. Shooting someone may stop them from taking things from you, but I am sure it will leave a pretty engrained memory of them that you'll will be stuck with for the rest of your life.

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i had no idea humans were still into this shit.


Yeah some monkeys have not evolved.



The thing about having a gun, I think is you and whoever else has access to it, better be ready to kill or else whoever you are pointing that thing at may use it on you. I myself, I am not ready to do that, and don't see myself ready to that at any point in my life. I feel this way because I think in most situations someone who is coming take something from you, is not looking to take your life. I would just give them whatever they want and have them get the fuck out my life as soon as possible. Shooting someone may stop them from taking things from you, but I am sure it will leave a pretty engrained memory of them that you'll will be stuck with for the rest of your life.



All you need to do is buy a gun /sarcasm

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OK, here is my data. In Snohomish in 1980 my father was gut-shot with a 30-06 in his garden one night while investigating a burglar. After lying for 13 days in the hospital we finally had to pull the plug and let him go.


This had a huge impact on my feelings of personal safety. After much thought I purchased a double-barreled shotgun and cut it down to I think 18 inches. Buddies and I went out and shot all kinds of rounds through it, blasting everything from beer bottles to road signs (27 years ago in Darrington, our ethics were a little lax). I admit that my data was not scientific, we kept greater data on the whisky we were drinking than we did on distance and spread. What I do know is that birdshot through a sawed-off will give you a larger pattern than anything else I know of; and buckshot will give you a decent pattern and stopping power. I used to keep one of each in my shotgun near the bed for protection.


About a year later I moved into a motorhome to live. The shotgun was far too cumbersome for the extremely tight quarters, so I bought a Saturday-night-special snub-nosed .38 and kept it under my pillow. I had no misconceptions that I could actually hit anything over a few yards away with the gun, but it was small, loud, and held enough bullets that I could keep shooting if I missed. I kept the gun under my pillow for more than a year.


I believe it was the 1983 Darrington BlueGrass Festival. I was on my traditional 3 day wine drunk with my motorhome parked in the festival parking area. On the Saturday morning I woke up, not knowing why. I looked over the chubby girl that I found next to me, looked toward the back of the motorhome, and saw a gun enter the back door. An 18 year old kid came in with a pistol and pointed it at my buddy who was in the back of the motorhome having relations with the kid’s girlfriend. It was about 5-6 in the morning, and I was waking from a complete wine stupor. As a pure reaction I reached under the pillow for the .38 with full intention of killing the kid without hesitation; only to realize that it was not there. A buddy had borrowed it to go “blasting” a couple days earlier, and failed to return it. Had the gun been there, I would have emptied it in the general direction of the kid with the full intention of killing the kid; without any hesitation. As my hand came up empty, the guy was pointing his gun at my buddy telling him to step outside so that he could kill him without anyone else getting hurt. My buddy’s only response was to stick his head under the blanket to hide.


The motorhome was a “cab-over” style and I was in the bunk above the driving compartment. I yelled at the kid to give me the gun. I climbed over the “lady” I was next to, and kind of jumped/fell/rolled down to the main floor. It was probably only about 10 feet between he and I, but it seemed like I had to walk about 100 yards; but I kept yelling to give me the gun and I walked right down the barrel as he was pointing it at me. I grabbed the gun and shoved him back through the door to the outside. I went to quickly unload the pistol, only to find out that it was unloaded the entire time. It was just some 18 year old punk trying to show off for his HO girlfriend who was with my buddy. I became so enraged that this punk-assed kid almost made me kill him over something so stupid, that I grabbed him and started beating his head against the motorhome. 5-6 a.m., still wine drunk as hell, beating a kids head against various motorhomes lecturing him on how ridiculous his decision was. I have never owned a firearm since.


Had I had that gun that morning, a stupid kid would be dead. I would have been legally justified. I would have probably been morally justified. But I know that I would not have ever recovered mentally from taking a kids life, so soon after I experienced the death of my father.


Now, nearly thirty years later, I want to get a gun just so my kids can become familiar with guns. Education rather than abstinence. I also look back at “the night” and reflect that, yes, I would have been justified in killing the kid, and I fully support folks who want to have a firearm for their protection. I personally choose not to. If I did, it would be a shotgun, loaded with birdshot and buckshot; and I would probably try to use it as a club before I ever shot it at someone. I would personally rather take a beating and live, then take anothers life. If I knew it was his life or mine, then I would take his: but you rarely really know that.


Again, my data is far from scientific, and I am probably talking out of my ass. But I have put a lot of thought into what I would keep for self protection if I wanted a firearm. Personally, I keep my ice tools nearby, and call that good enough.


Peace, respect, brotherhood.


thanks for taking the time and making the effort for this post

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i had no idea humans were still into this shit.


Yeah some monkeys have not evolved.



The thing about having a gun, I think is you and whoever else has access to it, better be ready to kill or else whoever you are pointing that thing at may use it on you. I myself, I am not ready to do that, and don't see myself ready to that at any point in my life. I feel this way because I think in most situations someone who is coming take something from you, is not looking to take your life. I would just give them whatever they want and have them get the fuck out my life as soon as possible. Shooting someone may stop them from taking things from you, but I am sure it will leave a pretty engrained memory of them that you'll will be stuck with for the rest of your life.



All you need to do is buy a gun /sarcasm



Yeah and make the world a safer place.

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