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I can fly for almost 20 feet. :grlaf:


The FAA can help with that:


The chicken gun (also known as the chicken cannon, turkey gun, or rooster booster) has been around since 1972. It's used for the "chicken ingestion test," one of a series of stress tests required by the Federal Aviation Administration before a new jet engine design can be certified. The tests take place in a concrete building large enough to enclose an entire jet engine. With the engine operating at full speed, the cannon uses compressed air to shoot chicken carcasses into the turbine at 180 mph. (The Air Force is known to launch its poultry projectiles at 400 mph into F-16 canopies.)





20 feet is good enough for me, buddy.

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I can fly for almost 20 feet. :grlaf:


The FAA can help with that:


The chicken gun (also known as the chicken cannon, turkey gun, or rooster booster) has been around since 1972. It's used for the "chicken ingestion test," one of a series of stress tests required by the Federal Aviation Administration before a new jet engine design can be certified. The tests take place in a concrete building large enough to enclose an entire jet engine. With the engine operating at full speed, the cannon uses compressed air to shoot chicken carcasses into the turbine at 180 mph. (The Air Force is known to launch its poultry projectiles at 400 mph into F-16 canopies.)
I recall a story where the Canadians decided they had better test their jet canopies using the chicken gun like the Americans were doing. After smashing several canopies they were completely perplexed. Finally an American advisor said, "these chickes are frozen, you have to thaw them out first".


yeah, look up chicken cannon on snopes :rolleyes:


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I can drink a pint of beer faster than anyone.




Umm, I doubt that!!!! A few years back when I was Seattle at Bumbershoot, I ended up at a party with mainly younger people there. They were doing beer bongs, being out of practice (10 years since I done one) I stepped and did a head to head beer bong races. They were damn slow. I could have done two or three in the time it took those kids to do one. I did put it on my list because it is not something I strive to be good at, I just am.

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i'll play most any sport.

love chess

biking motor and non.

i really hate auto mechnics but i sort of fell into it. fixing all the beaters i've had over the yrs.

music, drinking

i want to go surfing

and sky diving, maybe scuba as well

anyone wana go?


I am getting scuba lessons for my birthday this year. I can't wait!!!!!!!! i don't know if i am going to be any good at it but i am a water bug. I love to swim. I would like to learn to surf i just want to learn some place really warm.

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I can drink a pint of beer faster than anyone.




Umm, I doubt that!!!! A few years back when I was Seattle at Bumbershoot, I ended up at a party with mainly younger people there. They were doing beer bongs, being out of practice (10 years since I done one) I stepped and did a head to head beer bong races. They were damn slow. I could have done two or three in the time it took those kids to do one. I did put it on my list because it is not something I strive to be good at, I just am.

I agree, kids these days. They have no clue.


The key is to open up your gullet, and forget swallowing. Let gravity do the rest. I used to be MUCH better at it, but I think I can still hold my own. When you get back from Africa, we'll have fun at the next Pub Club. :brew::wave:

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I make a fried chicken that is out of this world. Maybe someday I'll post the recipe. (No offense Rooster) :wave:


So Couloir when we're all done with the cc.com weight loss thingy, maybe we should have a potluck dinner and you could bring your fried chicken! Sounds yummy.

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I make a fried chicken that is out of this world. Maybe someday I'll post the recipe. (No offense Rooster) :wave:


So Couloir when we're all done with the cc.com weight loss thingy, maybe we should have a potluck dinner and you could bring your fried chicken! Sounds yummy.


That sounds like a grand idea! In the meantime however, and with deference to our good friend The Rooster, I'm afraid, folks will need to PM me for the recipe. :laf:

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I just set up our tents at my sister's farm for our annual family 4th campout. Unfortunately the best spot is a stone's throw away from my nephew's rooster Little Jerry. I offered him some polenta and grapes in the hopes of a quiet sunrise. Any other suggestions?

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I just set up our tents at my sister's farm for our annual family 4th campout. Unfortunately the best spot is a stone's throw away from my nephew's rooster Little Jerry. I offered him some polenta and grapes in the hopes of a quiet sunrise. Any other suggestions?


Oh dear. Little Jerry is pretty aggressive. So if he tries to fertilize you, it might be best to just let him finish. 8D :P


Save me some grapes.

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