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Big, Big Mistake, GW


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The US wants 10 interceptor rockets there to destroy any long-range ballistic missiles fired at the US from the Middle East


Honestly, I don't think any middle eastern country has or ever will have the capability to build/import a missile of that size. Iran maybe but that is still a long ways off. The best anyone in that region has been able to do is hit their immediate neighbors.

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So is mutually assured destruction something that doesn't work with respect to the middle east? They could destroy a city but we could obliterate an entire country.


Is the idea that the islamist fanatics would get their hands on a government missile and launch it without regard for their lives? I don't get it?

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So is mutually assured destruction something that doesn't work with respect to the middle east? They could destroy a city but we could obliterate an entire country.


Is the idea that the islamist fanatics would get their hands on a government missile and launch it without regard for their lives? I don't get it?


Sooner or later you have to hold the "host" country responsible, and that involves killing a lot of innocent people. There really is no other way...except preemption. I guess MAD would work if we held the country of the weapon's origin responsible and publicized this doctrine in advance.


This whole missile defense shit seems valid over the Pacific, but placing these batteries in former Soviet Bloc nations is unnecessarily provocative and, frankly, insulting to a Russian nation that not too long ago threw off the yoke of communism in the hopes it would be treated with respect. Besides, if a nuke attack ever comes from the middle east it seems more likely it will arrive in a shipping container.

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They don't work. They will never work. It is a ridiculous piece of fiction. It was ridiculous fiction in 1985, it was ridiculous fiction in 2005, it will always be fiction. There is no technical basis for it ever working. Countering even a hypothetically 'perfect' system is utterly simple and requires next to no cost compared to an obscene amount of money for a system whose 'operational' capabilities will never be more than an expensive, 'feel good' illusion.

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