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Great shot, MisterE. Did you take it?? If so, what year? He looks VERY young.


Knew Yabo well. He and his then girlfriend, an abusive little Jewish princess named Debbie, moved to Tahoe with my future wife and myself in 1980. Yabo had his demons and girls like her were among them.


Yabo was a good person to a fault. One time in the late 70's I loaned him $50, never expecting to see it again but several years later he came up to me in Tuolumne and said, "Don't I owe you money?" He pulled a $50 dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to me. I hadn't said a word because I was standing there with my mouth open in disbelief. Like Mike White (Whitey), an ex Seattleite/Camp4ite once said about loaning Yabo money, "Loan Yabo money? Of course I'll loan him money. It might buy him the last meal he'll ever eat"


Yabo was a great guy and an amazing athlete. All of us that knew him, miss him.

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the need is obviously just stronger than you.


not once I get my new 10 wide by 18' tall 60 degree overhung cave finished.


you might as well get back in the game.


snowshoe exploring yesterday found three new AREAS worth developing, all within 20 minutes of my house.









not that you were ever a player.



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Cool site!




I got into climbing only in the last ten years or so but really enjoy researching times back in the day etc..


When I was like 10-15 years old ABC's Wide World of Sports (remember that?) would occasionally broadcast a Yos big wall climb. In my youth I was riveted. Im pretty sure there were some FFA's taped (and some live as well) then broad casted if I can recall. This was back in the early and mid seventies I think but am not certain. Does anyone else remember these? Would or could someone get access to these (hopefully) archived tapes?


I'd fucking cry if I get my hands on a disk of these probably very rare vids.



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Yeah it might, but these vids (if they still exist) would be something special especially if you have never seen them.


They were often live as I recall, and the climbers were mic'd and describing their moves on the way up. There was also live narration by someone off camera who would occasionally stop talking to let the dude on the wall go thru a crux. "Ok Im going to stop speaking to (so and so) now so he can focus on making this dangerous move 2,000 feet above the valley floor..etc" Dramatic shit and it was the best live TV I can remember except for maybe when apollo went to the moon. A sad note however, occasionally at the end there would be a rolling text (like credits) that would (in reference to someone else they had previously broadcast) say something like, "In memory of Joe Dude who fell to his death while climbing (such and such) last month.."


MAN, those were the days that make me go into the mountains today - can't explain what took me so long though!

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