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Men - Women


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Thats whats going on in spray. "Guys have trouble processing complicated stuff. So keep it simple."

Maybe guys just sometimes don't care what they say and are afraid to say that.


How men and women can communicate better


10:46 PM PST on Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Do men and women really communicate with each other? University of Sheffield researchers in England found that the problem may have to do with the way men's brains are wired.



What men hear: Blah, blah, blah...

When men don’t listen, some call it the “Yes, dear” syndrome. Call it whatever you want. But men don't always listen to women.


"We’re always glazed over, it's just white noise," one man said.


"I think sometimes they don't want to hear what we're saying," another said.


British researchers found that a woman's voice is more complex than a man's, and those complex sounds take longer for men to process and longer to understand. But there might be even more to it.


"Women use a million more words a day than men,” said marriage counselor Sheron Patterson.


Unlike men, women view talking as an activity their primary form of communication.


"Women are verbal,” Patterson said. “We talk to be affirmed to communicate to bond. It's a chick thing to talk about it and get it off your chest. For men are just: ‘yes, not, that's it.’"


For men talking is necessary only to gather information. But listening?


“I know what's she's talking about most of the time,” said one man.


So here's what you both can do:


Women: Guys have trouble processing complicated stuff. So keep it simple.


Guys: Pay attention. Often the emotions mean more than the words. From time to time ask a question, and really mean it.


Gender differences in communications style even apply to the Internet. Although men log on more than women do, women are greater users of e-mail.


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blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

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All that and no operating manual.


So why can't they figure out how we work? Or do they know how and just feign confusion? ;)


we know, we just don't care.


ooh. spicy!


foraker-- men are non-verbal but they draw nice diagrams, chart data, and reference their sources so they're not very difficult to figure out.


women learn everything they need to know about men in the 7th grade--the boys were always waiting to see what we had to make in home ec and taste test it. in health class they provided us with the schematics (ie. instruction manual) for operating the tool (ie. men) and in language arts class the boys always needed extra help. seemed pretty clear even back then -- there's an on/off switch, they can be motivated by food but talking will get you nowhere.


Edited by minx
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