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Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

lewd /lud/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[lood] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective -er, -est.

1. inclined to, characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious.

2. obscene or indecent, as language or songs; salacious.

3. Obsolete.

a. low, ignorant, or vulgar.

b. base, vile, or wicked, esp. of a person.

c. bad, worthless, or poor, esp. of a thing.


What are we coming to?

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Caroline Norris of Federal Way, Wash., believes nursing should be a personal thing between mother and baby.


"Nursing mothers need to go somewhere in private to nurse their babies and not sit and flaunt their breasts in public," she says. "It's offensive. I don't think women should be exposed out there in public."


Chuck Norris' wife?

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hey, the FCC has already weighed in on this matter during nipplegate 2003, breasts, and in particular nipples, are offensive, damaging to young children, and should be kept out of sit even for 0.8 seconds! don't you people already know this??? what's wrong with you? when will you learn??? think of the children for god's sake!

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Whoa whoa! I don't call you names.


Breastfeeding is a fight where there doesn't need to be one. Public- who cares if a woman is breastfeeding? Women- why don't you just put a blanket over it? Both sides are just picking a fight, to me this is a huge who-cares.

OMG!!! You don't call me names? What, you can't come up with any original ones? I'm sure some of the guys here can help you out. Give it the old college try, jackass.

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I guess you're demonstrating that some of us will always try to pick fights where they don't need to be.

And you are demonstrating the belief that you can manipulate the behavior of others by moderating your own.

Perhaps its true.

Perhaps people will act true to their nature no matter what. Even if that nature is to be pugnacious.

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