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Don't make the argument that there are no psycho women. They may not physically overpower me, but they sure can use the system to do so.


Getting back to the original concept here, I think the guy's photos were somewhat tasteful. If the guy has a photo in his head that he wants to put on film, then asking for and paying a model for a specific shot, outfit, and look seems like a perfectly acceptable way of getting help for his art. Let's not start convicting perverts because sommeones advertisement set off some girls Creep sense.

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This guy decided to have a little fit over his post being temporarily pulled for review - and my response to his post, expressing my concerns. It sounds like he also did the same on rc.com a while back (I dont look at that board often, so I never saw what happened).


Sorry guys/gals, but any credibility I was beginning to consider toward his request due to our conversation here, with others, and thinking things through in my own head has been squashed.



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I'm too lazy to type minnesodaclimbing.com into a browser and then read a couple hundred threads about turning 40-foot routes into multipitches, how much of your rack to wear to the gym, or experienced belayers looking for partners just to read creepy stalker dude's rant. i want you to do the work for me :tup::brew:

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This guy decided to have a little fit over his post being temporarily pulled for review - and my response to his post, expressing my concerns. It sounds like he also did the same on rc.com a while back (I dont look at that board often, so I never saw what happened).


Sorry guys/gals, but any credibility I was beginning to consider toward his request due to our conversation here, with others, and thinking things through in my own head has been squashed.




You all are like vultures. Slamming whenever the chance. Fookin disgusting.

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I'm too lazy to type minnesodaclimbing.com into a browser and then read a couple hundred threads about turning 40-foot routes into multipitches, how much of your rack to wear to the gym, or experienced belayers looking for partners just to read creepy stalker dude's rant. i want you to do the work for me :tup::brew:


Not to mention that pretty much everyone within 1000 miles of the Pacific Ocean has been banned from miniscrotumclimbing.com.

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I dont remember word for word what I said in response to your post.

I do know I rarely bust out words like you have chosen to use toward me in your recent reply. I appreciate the 'power' you believe I have to close posts, make them disappear, what have you. Its a little bit out of my hands however.


I hope there is more patience and compassion shown to your clients during photo shoots. Im sorry to say, I only have more doubts put in my head now about your original quest.


You should be able to PM me if you need to explain anything further or want to have a conversation about the topic. I also think a civil discussion on gender/media/climbing on this forum could have potential. However, I will not respond if the tone is similar to the one in the above post.


Enjoy your day!


My respect for you just got even bigger!!!! :tup:

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