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Finicky Cats!


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haha! Thats funny tvash!

Do the cats and dogs get along well?


My cat was introduced to a dog when I moved in with my current roommate. Actually, she had never really been exposed to any animal until about 3 yrs ago. She hates that thing! She will roll around on her back near him, offer a sweet meow to persuade him to come closer...as soon as he is in range...WHAP! HISSSS! He fall for it everytime! I think his obsessive barking often puts her on edge.


Anyway...I took her back to the vet today. They did xrays. Didnt find any tumors in her organs. Most of her organs look younger/healthier than any other cat her age. Her kidney has a bit of crystallization. They didnt think it was a problem. She was severely constipated. She also has bad arthritis in her back hips and bone spurs on the last three vertebras. The vet thought she might be in a lot of pain to go to the bathroom and/or the spurs are causing some neurological damage to her bowel. Regarding the seizures - if she has a brain tumor, there is nothing they recommend except keep her as safe and comfortable as possible until either she decides or I decide its time for her to move on. A tumor would present an increasing amount of seizures. So far she has only had two, that I know of.


Im going to start giving her kitty ibuprofin (I really do think she is hurting) and glucosamine, along with vaseline everyday. I also bought a raised food dish so she doesnt have to bend at all. I think with her water especially, bending down was quite a chore.


She is eating a bit better, though its an awful lot of work and fricken expensive! Tonights menu - canned salmon patte with REAL salmon mixed in, pumpkin, dry food, fresh water, turkey babyfood. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!



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Actually, yes and no. One dog is a psycho...she frequently charges Jerry, the 'I don't give a shit' cat, but it's all a fake. Willy, the ultimate party boy dog, couldn't give a shit either way. Ben, the alpha cat, stays aloof...until Jerry starts a new 'project', which he then very enthusiastically participates in. The dynamics are freaking amazing.


The result for the humans is usually a mess all over the kitchen floor.

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